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Posts posted by paddy

  1. So sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time Kathy. I hope you sort things out and get the very best treatment that is out there, even if it means finding a new Onc. who is willing to work with you. It sounds as though you have been lucky enough to catch this thing at an early stage.

    Many of the Internet articles are out-dated so don't let them panic you as far as statistics are concerned. Prayers and positive thougnts coming your way. Paddy

  2. Ben,

    My husband was very fatigued from the first round of chemo but later picked up again. It has not been the same with the latest chemo unfortunately.

    It is infuriating when people start getting negative around you isn't it. I wouldn't let them scare you, just appreciate your Mom as much as you can every day and if she feels well enough to go out, take her on a drive for a change of scene .You seem to be a very caring person and your Mom is very lucky to have you. Paddy

  3. Our little dog was a "Rescue" dog and came to us with perfect potty manners. Used the doggy door right away!The only mess he makes is when he gets into the garbage or into tissue boxes. He chews the tissues up and spreads them all over the carpet! Grrrr! I wouldn't be without him though, and he is such a comfort to Dave who adores him.

    I don't think you will every find a "perfect" dog but they really are the most loving animals and good companions for people who are ill. The lady whom we got our dog from brought several dogs around to our house and made sure that we got the one that suited us. She also said we could return him to her if it didn't work out between us. Perhaps you could find someone who would agree to do this.

    Good Luck. Paddy

  4. I missed your post Ray. Dave hasn't been too well and I have only been able to spend a certain amount of time on the board.Can you get someone to put our minds at rest as to how you are doing? Prayers and positive thoughts on their way to you. Paddy.

  5. Hello Kate,

    So sorry you and J are going through this. I have been through a lot of nonsense with medical people so I know how frustrated you must be. I think you might need to go for a second opinion as the others say. At least it would put your mind at ease. Also it sounds to me as if you are getting your mind in a spin. Perhaps the cancer society could help you sort things out. Good Luck and prayers going out to you. Paddy

  6. Thanks Dear Friends.

    David had his thorocentecis, (sp?) this morning at about 11.30am. He said it wasn't too bad but worse than the last two. They took off 2 1/4 of those bottles which I think are "litre" size. He is very weak so our doctor has agreed that we leave the colonoscopy until he is feeling stronger.

    Thank you for all your prayers, please keep them coming.

    Lots of love Paddy.

  7. Thank you all for your good wishes and prayers.

    I just wanted to let you know that we have not been able to have the thorocentecis done as David's blood was not coagulated enough. He takes coumadin and so they have to wait until it gets to a certain degree of coagulation before they can do the proceedure. So, in the meantime he battles on with the breathing.

    His stomach trouble seems to be improving and I did mangage to get him to eat a small dinner tonight. He is also drinking again, so your prayers are obviously working.

    The doctor now want to do the colonoscopy on Tuesday. I am worried about putting Dave through it because he seems so weak. That "Yucky stuff" ,(which is erroneously called "Go-lightly", and the young nurse who gave it to me today, calls "Go-heavily",) can really drain a person,(no pun intended.) If he is still feeling like this in a couple of days I may ask them to postpone it for a while.

    I will update this post tomorrow evening and lets hope he will have had the thorocentisis by then.

    Love and prayers to all,


  8. Paddy Here,

    Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Karen , My Sweet daughter, says I have to correct her post, so here goes.

    I took David in to the ER this morning because his breathing was getting worse and he had stomach problems. Poor Dear couldn't sleep and has been terribly restless.

    I contacted our primary physician as we had been to him about the breathing and Dave's bladder problem yesterday. At which time they xrayed the lung.

    Today they told us that the lung is full of fluid and they are going to do a thorocentesis, (his third,) tomorrow. They also found out that there "may or may not be" something going on in the colon, so on Sunday they will be doing a colonoscopy .

    The doctors at the ER wanted to keep him in hospital tonight, however our Doc. wangled it so that he could come home and then go in again tomorrow morning . Dave was happy about that as he cannot stand hospital beds because he is so tall and he can never get comfortable! Now I have to battle to get him to eat and drink which he has been refusing to do because he gets so much pressure in his stomach.

    I hate this disease and I can't stand seeing my husband, (and so many other Dear people,) go through this, (excuse me,) "Hell". He is such honey of a man and was always been the strong one and my protector. Oh well, one day at a time they say!

    Love to you all,


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