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Posts posted by paddy

  1. OK Doctor Joe,

    The last paragraph in your post is what I would have wanted to hear if I was Pam or her husband. I understand that although there is (to-date,) no cure for this disease, there is hope for "more time" and "a better quality of life. Pam's husband however doesn't seem to be improving with the chemo he is on now. The oncologist says this regimen must go on for six months. I reccomended a second opinion because I am sure there must be a chemo out there that doesn't make him feel so ill. Where is the "quality of life if", you feel so darned awful all the time. Now that you have explained that . three weeks is not long enough to know what change the chemo will make I realize I have been hasty with my advice. I do know however that my husband felt a lot better after two chemo infusions, even though there wasn't a great deal of shrinkage at the end of the whole session.



  2. Hi Pam!

    I haven't seen a post from you before so I presume you are new here. Welcome to the place where no-one really wants to be!

    This is my advice to you. If this chemo isn't working, and It doesn't sound as if it is, and if your oncologist isn't being aggressive in fighting this thing, take the bull by the horns and get a second opinion. My husband would never agree to it and I now wish he had. Just don't give up and don't let him give up, just keep fighting. When my husband was diagnosed with LC, his pulmonory specialist came to see him in hospital, (after he had had two litres of fluid removed from his lung,) and told us the bad news. I immediately said, "OK now what do we do now" meaning, "When do we start treatment?". The ps replied, Take him home and make him comfortable I suppose"! I honestly thought David was dying right then. The oncologist was a little more encouraging in that he offered "salvage" (how dare they use that word,) treatment! Well, that was over a year ago and tonight he is sitting here watching T.V. and working on a model locomotive. OK, so he has been through a great deal, and he is not cured, but he is still here and we are making the most of every minute.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband, Love, Paddy

  3. Yes, MJ, it is pretty much "cancer 24 x 7"( as my friend Peggy said!) I seldom think about anything else although I do try. Is there anyone who could come and look after your Mom while you went out for a break somewhere. You really do need a change of scene. It is such a heavy burden for you to bear and I am so sorry. I do hope you will be feeling better soon. Love, Paddy.

  4. Welcome Laura Ann!

    So sorry your Mom is ill. It sounds as if she has a wonderful advocate in you though. It must be very hard looking after your Mum and your family too. I am glad you have joined the "little family" here, perhaps we can help you, or at least give you a listening ear. Prayers for you, your Mom and your family.

    Love Paddy

  5. So sorry to hear this Angie. I do hope you will be able to keep your Dad comfortable whatever you choose to do. This is so hard for you all and I send prayers for your strength. Love, Paddy

  6. Good News about your Mom, so thrilled for you all. As far as the other thing goes I am almost speechless! My Goodness Laurie! If you were'nt feeling ill, I would be laughing at this. It sounds like one of those things you read in the Readers Digest!

    I think if I had been you I would like to take all those doctors and refer them somewhere else! Hope you eventually get some help. Love Paddy.

  7. As my daughter eloquently said, "What strength"! I cannot imagine how gut-wrenching it must be to have to make a tape like this. My heart is simply aching for you and I pray for your strength and peace. All my love,


  8. So sorry Shawn. What a burden you have had to bear at such a young age. Do you have any brothers or sisters or anyone to turn to for support.

    Do let us know if you are going to come to California and may I ask what attracts you to this part of the US.

    Your Mom certainly sounds as if she were a lovely person and she was so lucky to have such a caring son.

    Love and prayers, Paddy.

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