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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Two days ago I had a phone call from my "little sister" "Linda" who lives in England. She told me that the many members of my family , (who lived in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe, and are now spread all over the world,) had got together enough money for one months Iressa for David. She says the money should be arriving very soon. I was so overwhelmed and I couldn't even speak because I was crying so hard. I handed the phone to my daughter Karen and she ended up crying too. Later when I told Dave...you guessed it..he cried . I think I have seen Dave cry about twice in our 40 years of married life, so you must know how much this has touched him! My sister said that all the family members had been saying that they wanted to help but did not know how, so she organized this collection. They are sending the check as a "big hug" for Dave and I. Don't you think this is wonderful!

    Today I ordered the Iressa and he will start it tomorrow. We are still waiting to see if we have been accepted in the Medicair "Iressa Demonstration". I hope we will hear soon.

    David has been a good deal weaker these last few days. He is having trouble walking and has a lot of pain in his chest. I have a job getting him out of bed in the morning, I hope and pray that the Iressa works for him. By the way, he had his last radiation session today.

    My daughter Jacquie and her husband Paul are flying in from Maryland to join Dave, Karen and I for the weekend. It will give their Dad a real lift.

    Lots of love to you all,


  2. Welcome back Angie. I love to see the picture of your beautiful family up on the board! Aren't TBones family wonderful!

    Your Dad sounds like my David. Lately I had noticed that he keeps sitting forward with his elbows on his knees. I asked him if he was in pain and he answered in the negative all the time, just saying he was "stiff". He confessed to my daughter today that it is because he has pain in his chest. It is quite exasperating but I suppose they are trying to save us from worry when they do this. Dave has also said that often "he doesn't know how to describe what he is feeling!"

    I hope tomorrow is a good day for you and your Dad and family. Love Paddy

  3. Hi Diane,

    So sorry that you have been given a new trial to get through. Well, It sounds as if you are a strong lady, you did it once and God Willing you will do it again. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts. Prayers coming your way. Love Paddy

  4. Dear MJ,

    So sorry to hear that you and your Mom have more than your share of problems. Keeping those coumadin levels correct can be so very difficult, it really is quite scary. We still have no idea why David's blood became so thin so suddenly, even his Oncologist isn't sure.

    Do hope you will be feeling much more able to cope soon. Prayers coming to you and your Mom and family. Love, Paddy.

  5. Dear Joni,

    I am so very sorry you are feeling so sad .Life just does not seem fair at all does it. I wonder if you are getting grief counciling, I am told it really helps. Special prayers on their way to you and Alex. Love Paddy.

  6. Thanks Donna and Cindy,

    Cindy, It was remiss of me not to mention that Dave and I were indeed "Thanking God" for the people who give their blood while we were watching the plasma drip into his veins.

    I have often thought I would love to give blood but it was refused because I have had Bilharzia/ Schistosamaiasis, (spelling?,) (a "nice" little African bug which can kill you!) In fact, later, when my daughter was married, her husband, ( who was a champion blood donor," was disappointed to find that he was unable to contribute anymore because he had married "someone from Africa". I am not sure if this still applies, perhaps things have changed since then.

    So glad to know that you were saved by transfusion too Cindy.


  7. So very sorry to hear this new problem has raised it's ugly head. I think you have been advised well here already, so I will just say I do hope things will get sorted out quickly. I am sorry for your pain. Love Paddy

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