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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Thanks Melinda,

    I am sure this recommendation will be helpful to a lot of folks in your area.

    I wonder if anyone has similar recommendations as far as hospices in CA are concerned!

    Hope you and and Geoff are coping well and that your Mom is comfortable. Love. Paddu

  2. There are people who are really concerned and want to know exactly what is happening, and those I will share everything with. Some people however seem to ask just because it is the thing to do and don't really want to hear the details , to those folks I say "We're coping Thanks! Others of course will avoid you like the plague and for them I feel pity.

  3. Sorry to hear of your frustrations Rich. My husband gets furious when he can't even find the strength to take out the garbage for me. I have a herniated disk and so there are things in this house that just don't get done unless someone young and strong comes along! I agree with Cindy, let the snow cover it up! Paddy

  4. Prayers coming your way Sandy. Just remember though that you can't always "be strong" around your loved one's. I have found that I would rather know what Dave is going through than not. I may not always be able to help physically, (which of course hurts me terribly,) but I can give him some extra special TLC. Take care of yourself while your men are away. Prayers coming your way. Lots of love, Paddy.

  5. Thanks Dear Friends, for your responses, advice and help.

    I ordered the Iressa yesterday and it was to be ready today but now we have to wait till tomorrow afternoon. I am so impatient to get it as David gets weaker by the day.

    Peggy, Thanks for asking. Dave is taking "Vicadin," (spelling?) for the pain in his back and chest. He has been sleeping quite well, (for a change,) since he started taking it so it seems to be making a difference. I will PM you. Love to you all,


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