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Posts posted by paddy

  1. TAnn,

    Wishing you a nice restful holiday and, as Frank says, , they may not be there when they next take a look next time. I will pray that will be the case. Love, and positive thoughts coming your way. Paddy

  2. Happy Friday to you too Peggy. Love the kitties, aren't they adorable! This afternoon I intend to enjoy my Friday, I am going to play "surrogate Grandma" for the little girl from across the road. Her Grandma can't make it to her Christmas concert and she was so disappointed so I offered to go in Granma's place. I can't make it to my grandaughters concert either so this will be nice for me too.

    Have a good weekend,

    Love Paddy

  3. Dear Sharyn,

    My heart goes out to you. I know just how terribly painful this all is for you and your family. Just know that my prayers will be with you and your family. You have been such a wonderful daughter to your Dad and loved him so well and I am sure he knows that well.

    Lots of love,


  4. Dear Barrisa,

    I was so sorry to hear that your Mum is not well. You are such a sweet young woman and do not deserve all the trials you are going through. I will be praying for your Mom and for you my Dear. Lots of love, Paddy

  5. Carolyn,

    I have just seen your post and I feel so bad for you. I can truly say I know how you feel. Sometimes I feel as if I will never stop crying.

    they tell me it gets better and lets hope it does. I am so glad you have your daughter with you, I am sure you comfort each other. I send my prayers for your peace.

    Lots of love and Paddy.

  6. Dear KC,

    I too am in deep mourning. I find myself saying all the "should of's" "would ofs" and "could ofs",but it really is no good to go back there, nothing can be changed. You, (and I,) must try to forget the bad things and remember all the good times that we spent together with our loved ones.Your Dad would not want you to be so distraught.

    I found a poem by Ellen Terry which I thought might help you.

    Think of me as with the dawn into dimness,

    Yours still, you mine.

    Remember the best of our past moments,

    And forget the rest,

    So, to where I wait, come gently on.

    Lots of love and prayers for you,

    from Paddy

  7. I say that you have all the right in the world to be "a little depressed Becky. Give it a little time before you resort to the "pills" though, you may find you will feel better very soon. Personally the less medication I put into my body the better I like it. Of course sometimes it is unavoidable and we are forced to take them, however, I sometimes wonder if it isn't an accumulation of different meds , (all working against each other) that makes people depressed in the first place.

    Lots of love and feel better soon,


  8. Dear Friends,

    Forgive me for staying away so long. I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

    I thought you might like to hear details of the "Celebration of David's Life" which my family and I held for him. I have copied this from an account which I sent to my friends and relatives.


    I thought you would all like to know about the "Celebration of Life" which we held for David so I will do my best to relay it to you.

    Friends of Patti and Barry Gump, ( the parent's of one of Karen's, (my daughter,) two best friends,) offered their large and beautiful home for us to use and they also , despite our protestations, insisted on doing all the catering too!. Patti and Barry are such wonderful people.

    In the foyer of the house, Karen arranged a table covered with a deep- burgundy coloured satin cloth. On it she placed her Dad's Police cap and sword , his medals and one of his beautiful train models which he made from scratch. There was a large framed photo of my David, one of us on our wedding day and one which was taken in the snow at "Badger Pass" in Yosemite,( in which he is wearing shorts and I am looking very frisky!! ) A lovely arrangement ( from Jean and John ,my brother and sister-in-law,) looked perfect on the table, as it had a beautiful ribbon which matched the cloth very well. My tribute to my Darling man was a single red rose tied with a silver cord and a white card with my personal message. I placed this on top of the sword. In front of the table we put a beautiful arrangement from my sisters and families in England and South Africa. Karen had also filled four boards with pictures from David's life, going from baby-hood to a few weeks before he passed away. In the dining room was placed the most beautiful, huge, upright arrangement of red roses, yellow single crysanths, white carnations and white clarkia, which was sent by Jacqueline's squadron, "The 22nd Intelligence Squadron!"

    Jacques had done the most incredible job of arranging the program and introducing the people who wanted to speak about their memories of her Dad. She said she wanted to do this rather than speaking herself as she thought she would just blub if she did! She says her thoughts were between herself and her Dad anyway. Both she and Karen looked lovely, Jacques in a beautiful burgundy pant suit and Karen in a lovely green and gold pant suit.

    I made a program using an "Ella Wheeler Willcox " poem, from a little book which my mother treasured and passed on to me. It is called "Life's Journey" in which Ms Willcox relates life to a train journey. I put a small illustration of a "Daylight" train which I had done for David sometime previously. My son-in-law Paul helped me to design and print it, as I was in a bit of fog.

    Many of Dave's good friends, some from the British South Africa Police force and some from the publishing company made heartfelt speeches. They all stressed that Dave had been a wonderful "Gentle Giant" and a "man of intelligence, integrety and loyalty".

    We asked "Cheri Usher", (one of the daughter's of our good friends Annabel and Jerry, who'm we have known for many years,) to read the "23rd Psalm" .(David had asked me to read this one night when he was feeling so ill.) Cheri adored Dave and he had a soft spot in his heart for her too. He always used to tease her and pull her long braid. Anyway it was so touching as she almost broke-up in the middle the reading,and had to take some very deep breaths before she could go on. Her Dad, Jerry Usher also broke down when he spoke of his friendship with Dave. His daughter's told me that they had never seen their Dad cry before.

    Karen spoke very touchingly of her special relationship with her Dad. I am so proud of both our girls, where they found the strength to do all they did, I don't know. Their Dad would have been so proud of them too, and I like to think that he was.

    So as you can see everything was very beautiful, elegant , solemn and yet tinged with laughter and not fussy or overdone, in fact, just as David would have wanted it. There was also a lot of love and support expressed from all our Dear friends and family overseas.We recieved so many "memories" from everyone that we could not read them all, however we had them written down for people to read. Thank you so much for them.

    All our love, Pat, Karen, Jeff, Maia, Scotty, Jacqueline and Paul .


    I will try to send a picture of the table arrangement later, as soon as I can work out how to do it.

    I am missing my sweet David more every day and I still look for his huge presence above the crowd. I wonder if I will ever be completely happy again without him.

    Love to you all,


  9. Hello to all my Good Friends!

    I have missed you so much. Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts.

    I am home for a couple of hours to do some laundry and see to our poor "peopleless" dog, so I thought I w ould drop a line.

    Poor David is going crazy in his hospital ward. He still has the tube in his lungs. He has had the talc process done and all went well until they took the clamp off the tube and then the lung went back to it's "three quarter collapsed state". There is more air leaking from the lung this morning so they still cannot remove the tube. My family doctor told me that on Monday morning the three pulmonary specialists will get together and see what "tricks they can pull from their sleeves"! Until then it is a waiting game and it is killing me to see what Dave is going through. He so wants to get home, and we want him home, but he can't unless they can get that tube out.

    Well, I must get on with the work and get back to the hospital, I don't like to leave him too long.

    Sorry I can't answer all your posts, I just don't have the time, but I pray for you all when I lie in that hospital cot every night.

    Lots of love to you all,


  10. Welcome Bet. Your Mom sounds as if she is such a wonderful character.

    My husband was on steroids for a little while before brain radiation, and he did show signs of restlessness. He did not however get a sudden urge to clean up his clutter, mores the pity :lol:

    I wish you, your mom and family all the very best and prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way.


  11. Dear Friends,

    I would like to ask for your prayers and positive thoughts for David.

    This weekend his blood went haywire again and we had to stop the coumadin and put him on mega doses of vitamin K. Today the Docs decided to put him on "Heperin," three injections in the stomach each day! Poor Man!

    He is so weak now that I had to use a wheel-chair to get him into the Oncologist this morning for fear of him falling. He had a nasty fall on Saturday and even though there were three of us there at the moment, it happened so quickly we could not save him.

    David has been on Iressa since Thursday and the Onc., says that he wants him to try it for two weeks, at which time we should know if it is working or not. He says, if it doesn't work by the end of that time we should consider "Hospice"!

    Our girls and son-in-law were so wonderful while they were here and gave their Dad and I a lot of TLC. We had a good weekend despite the

    health problems. I wish they could have stayed longer but I am grateful that they managed to get here and see their Dad anyway.

    Lots of love and prayers to you all,


  12. You weren't to know Marion. It takes a while to catch on to all this email etquette. I often made that mistake too until my son-in-law "techy" enlightened me. Love, Paddy

  13. Dear Kate,

    I think I can say that I understand how you feel. Sometimes I feel as if I were up in the air watching all this unfold below me like some awful, terrifiying soap opera. Then I come down to earth and realize it is true and then I have to put my nose to the grindstone and start fighting for David again.

    My heart goes out to you and if you ever feel like it, please PM me. Love Paddy

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