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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Hello Friends,

    Dave, and I spent the Thursday night in the ER. Dave's Coumadin levels had gone awry and his blood had been found to be dangerously thin . To prevent a bleed from the tumors in the brain, (or elsewhere if he had a fall etc.,) he had to have a plasma transfusion. They gave him two units and then vitamin K to help with the clotting. Blood tests were taken the next day and at about 4.00 yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call to say that we had to get into ER again as the blood had gone back to danger level again. He had to have another transfusion; this time almost double than on the first occasion.

    On the first visit we were lucky to get a great triage nurse who knew us, (that's how often we've been in there lately,!) and got David into a bed straight away. Of course the actual transfusion didn't start until 9.50pm. though. They had had some rather bad emergencies that night and things were going slow as a consequence. We were also lucky enough to be given the most terrific nurse, a young man called "Thomas," who was, not only a wonderful technician, but also a friendly, kind and compassionate young man. He cared for us as if we had been his parents, making up a bed for me and generally giving us T.L.C. What a joy it was to be treated so "humanely". I found out later that this young man was not one of the regulars at the hospital but rather from a "Nursing Registry".

    The next evening we were not so lucky. We waited in the admittance room for about and hour-and -half and, after being admitted. It was at least 9.50 p.m. before David's transfusion was started. By this time Thomas had come on duty...Thank Goodness! At about 5.30 in the morning when the transfusion was finished, we were shunted by a new nurse into an adjacent "room" / store room, to wait there until they had tested the blood levels at the lab. (Should take half-an-hour, they told us!) Having waited for an hour -and -a -half, I went looking for someone to chase up the lab report. I really do believe that the reports had been in for hours and were just sitting on someones desk, as they appeared as if by magic. Then of course someone had to come and take the IV ect. out and then the Oncologist had to contacted so that we could be discharged. We left there at about 7.45 a.m.!

    I might add, that through all this, Dave , (who's poor veins are on the verge of collapsing because he has had so many needles jabbed into him,) laughed and joked with the nurses and kept his spirits up through this ordeal.

    Tonight we are planning better things, so I hope the blood behaves itself. Our daughter "Karen", ("Karen and kids"on the board",) is arriving from Michigan. She will be staying a week and we can't wait to see her.

    Much love to you all,


  2. I suggest you read "Crossing the Creek" . If you put in a search you will find the website. (I would do it for you , but I am having to hurry tonight ) This site will not only will reassure you that your mother's dying process was natural and you did not in anyway speed her passing, but will also help you understand the stages of grief. Paddy

  3. Hi Kim,

    So sorry to hear about your Mom being in hospital. I am sure she understands how much you want to be with her. Can you phone her a couple of times each day? I am sending positive thoughts and prayers that she will soon be back home with you. Paddy

  4. Hi Andrea, Tomorrow we go to Dave's oncologist. I will ask the nurses there about benefits fo Lung Cancer. I know they have had them for "Breast Cancer" but not sure if they have had one for LC. I will let you know what I find out. Yes, Folsom is in CA. Have you hear of "Folsom Prison"!? Love, Paddy

  5. Do you have and Aloevera plant in your garden. It really is very good for sunburn. Cut a piece off the plant, peel off the skin and rub in on your sunburn. It really works and is very soothing. Stinks a bit but who cares! Love Paddy

  6. I think I am a little late here as usual.

    I know just what you mean when you say how you were shocked at those who did'nt come by or phone. This is what happened with us. There were some good friends who stayed by us, some people who ran a mile in the other direction and some who we didn't even know who have been constantly concerned and helpful. When my husband had a stroke a few weeks back, my two neighbours were here in the "flick of a lambs tail" to help and comfort us.


  7. My husband was put on coumadin years ago, because he had a "deep vein" problem in his leg. When he had an othrascopic operation on his knee he was taken off it for a few days. He ended up having a stroke from a blood clot.

    Recently he had another small stroke, (this time on the other side,) caused by brain mets .The doctor and the oncologist were thinking of taking him off coumadin because they worried that it might cause a bleed in the brain, however, they have decided not to ,as they think the risk of him having a blood clot in his body is greater than that of a bleed in the brain.

    The pro-time tests are a pain but definately necessary. You don't want the blood to get too thick or too thin. Your doctor may find a dosage which will suit your Mom after a while. I believe foods can also effect the clotting factor of the blood too, too much in the way of green, leafy veggies, or grapefruit juice, and anything with vitamin "K" in it for example. I suggest you look this up as it is something I have not researched thorougly myself.

    Hope this helps and sorry I didn't see your post before. Paddy

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