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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Thanks again to you all. I am so grateful for all your messages and information. On Monday I will start searching again. In the meantime I have made an appointment for Dave to start Gemzar on Tuesday. I will keep you all updated. Paddy.

    PS: MJ, I am afraid we do not qualify for Iressa as we do not have a the "special" plan, only A and B part medicair.

    Also: John, Thank you for your input. I am afraid, because Dave has existing health problems, one of which is "ventricular fibrilation"(sp?) he is not eligible for trials. Thanks again.P

  2. Just to let you know that we have applied for forms to get into a "demonstration" of Iressa, as per Elain's suggestion. When we first asked , the "technician?" said they didn't cover any cancer medications taken by mouth . We told them that we had it from Yahoo News that they did!"The fellow then apologized and said he had forgotten about that! He then agreed to send us the forms. We have to receive the files, fill them in, get our Oncologists approval and then get them back to the medicare by September 30th. I believe it is a sort of lottery, and I am not sure how long you wait once you are accepted. In the meantime I am trying to get the onc's office to get an appointment to start Gemsar. I phoned early this morning and I still haven't had a reply! I shall be phoning again soon!

    Thanks All , Paddy.

  3. Thank you all so very much. Your info is all very usefull and we intend to "work the phones" as soon as possible. Thank you too for all your good wishes and prayers they really lift my heart. I consider you all my/our very good friends.Paddy

    PS. Thank You Katy B, I am working on it! Paddy

  4. Thank You so much Andrea,

    As far as I know, the California Law forbids donation of medications. I know I overheard a widower talking to the nurses at the oncoclogist's office about some medication which his wife had not used. She said he could not donate it but he could leave it with them. I wondered what they would do with it!


  5. Thank you so very much Elaine. We will try Medicair again this afternoon armed with this info. My Onc. also gave me an Iressa brochure and we will phone them too.

    Thanks to you and Peggy for being there, I am pretty devastated by this but I must take some big breaths and calm myself. Love to you both, Paddy

    PS What a Great couple you make Peggy and What's his Name?!

  6. Hi There All,

    Dave and I went to the Onc. today. He wants to put David on Iressa because he says that the Taxotere has not helped him. David had told me months ago that the Medicair had agreed to cover it, but right there in the Dr's office he told me that they said they "wouldn't" cover it. I really can't believe this as I have been telling everyone how Iressa was considered to be really good for some people etc. etc and hoping that it would do well for Dave. Why didn't Dave say something then!? I can't believe we got our lines so crossed! I cried all the way home, I just couldn't stop.

    I thought someone said that Medicair was paying for Iressa now, in fact I am sure I read an article to that fact some time ago.

    The Oncologist also asked whether our girls had been up to see theire Dad and we explained why they hadn't been up, and he hinted that there were cheap air fares etc. I think he was trying to say, (in a kind way,) that time is short.

    The Oncologist also said that we should not worry about having the colonoscopy which the doctor wanted Dave to have. I agree,- they didn't see any masses etc. Why put the poor man through this proceedure if they can't do anything for him anyway.

    Exscuse the screed, I just needed to "talk" and there is no one around to talk to at the moment . Thank Goodness for you guys! Paddy

  7. Dear David,

    I think people who do things like this are usually people who are scared and hurting, just as we all are, however they have become embittered and angry. In their anger they lash out at anyone and anything. I think we have to feel sorry for them.

    Please let the harsh words run off your back's, we all know how valuable your and Karen's input has been on this board! Keep posting and God Bless you both.


  8. Helo Beth,

    I can understand how scary this is for you. I do hope you can find someone to go to the chemo sessions with you. I have a tip for you, ask the nurses to put you in a common room rather than a room by yourself. Even though I was not the one having the chemo, I was scared for my husband. I found this was a good way of taking our minds off what was going on. I met so many friendly and concerned people in this way and also enjoyed watching all the nurses interacting and going cheerfully about their work.

    I will be thinking about you. Paddy

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