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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Don't know about the make-up problem Joyce, but I know I get the "Heebies" when I see my husband filing away at his brass locomotives! He says the brass filings are too heavy to reach him but I always wonder!


    PS. Isn't Hebbie's little dog a Darling!

  2. Hello Dean,

    We have been missing you! I am sorry to hear you have been feeling lousy again. Your fighting spirit, however , is an inspiration. I thought my Husband could do with hearing your post so I read it to him and he was quite touched by it. I love the way you take us for a little "nature walk" outside your door, I always look forward to that. You and Gay are always on my prayer list.


  3. Hi Joyce!

    Glad to hear your husband is doing well.

    My husband has neuropathy of the feet and hands from taking "Taxotere". He aready had a little trouble with one leg, ( from the stroke he had five years ago, ) however he is now having to use a cane to get about. The Dr. suggested that he take a medication, (I think) it was called "Neurantin" or something like that, (it is sometimes used for folks who have siezures.) Anyway he opted not to take it because it can cause thinning of the blood and Dave is already on Coumadin. I wonder if your husband could ask his doc. about this. Best of luck. Paddy

  4. How wonderfull that you and Alex will be able to help other children who are going through what Alex is going through at this sad time.

    I lost my mother when I was eleven years old. My Mum passed away in her sleep and that morning my father came into my roomand told me that she had "gone". I wasn't allowed to see her, in fact, I think she had already been taken away. Everyone was talking around me but no-one took me aside and explained things. On the day of her funeral I was left to baby-sit my two younger cousins while my older sisters and brothers attended. I remember the details of that day so well, particularly as there was an earth tremor that afternoon. The result of being left out of all this was an almost life-long fear of death and of losing my loved one's and friends. I think it is so very important that children be given extra special attention at times like this and that someone explains things to them in a kind and loving way and helps them through their grief. God Bless you for endeavouring to do this even though you are suffering yourself, I am sure it will bring you a lot of joy.

    Lots of love,


  5. Dear AIMS,

    Please do anything you can to get your husband to a Dr. pronto! Kick, scream, cry or plead. My heart goes out to you, you must be tearing your hair out! As the others have said, this doesn't have to be cancer, it could be something quite benign. I will pray that your huband will come around and agree to see someone. Paddy

  6. Hi Mary Anne, Nice to make your aquaintance! I think Harley is a great name considering David A's interests. He was a wonderful member of the board and did his best to keep people cheerfull despite his own problems. He will be missed. Love and prayers to you and the family. Paddy

  7. Shellie, prayers to you and your sister on their way. Please take care with those sleep "meds", taking tranquilisers with Smirnof is asking for trouble or, so I have read. We don't want you in trouble too, your sister needs you to stay around! Paddy

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