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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Thank you all very much. I asked the question because Dave and I were thinking that we might go for a second opinion at COH. I have a friend who has Non-Hodgekinsons , (sp?) and he has recently started treatment there. He seemed impressed with the doctors and to think that we should try it too. We will have to give it some thought.


  2. Hi Beth,

    I am so proud of all our good friends who have replied to your post. What courageous and inspirational thoughts they have expressed!

    I think I am going to print this page out and give it to my husband to read.

    My heart goes out to you and I will pray that you can find the strength and courage to fight this beast . Paddy

  3. Welcome Mona,

    This terrible disease is indiscriminate, tall or short, young or old, good or bad, it just doesn't care! We can only fight it with all we have- and the good people here will support you in that fight. Please come often and "vent" if you need to , or if you just want to chat. Prayers and positive thoughts for you and your husband and family. Paddy

  4. Oh Cindy,

    This really is the cutest little pup! I love pugs, (as well as Schipperke's, -can't forget them or I would be in big trouble, with my dog and Dave!) and have always been tempted to get one. Some friends of ours had a little grey- coloured one and they called it "Grape", don't you think that's an excellent name for a pug! Paddy

  5. Don,

    Please tell this ignorant woman what an "Aggie" is! I am probably just being slow as usual and I expect the "light" will go on as soon as I submit this :? . Paddy

  6. Hi There All,

    I wondered if there is anyone out there who has been to "The City of Hope" hospital in California, and if so would you mind telling of your experiences there?



  7. Sorry to hear about this Teetaa,

    Yes, I'm with you, I "HATE THIS DISEASE" too!! Today' while as I was doing my grocery shopping' I was raging at it inside. Got myself into a real state! That's not much use is it! Oh Well!

    Prayers and positive thought on the way to your Father -In- Law and the family.


  8. Hi Becki, So sorry to hear about your nephew. I can't add much to what the others have eloquently said I'm afraid, however I do send all the family, especially your nephew, prayers and positive thoughts. Paddy

  9. Hi Ray,

    I am sure your Doctor would say if he thought you were'nt strong enough to get through it. Won't it be nice to have the darned thing out! Good Luck and lots of prayers to you for a successful surgery. Paddy

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