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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Good to know you are OK Lillian. We have had some terrible fires in our "neck of the woods" too. At the beginning of the month there were two fires, on was stopped a couple of miles from us and the other changed course with the winds Thank Goodness! Ditto Thank Goodness for our fireman!


  2. Sorry MJ, I should know, since I'm in your area, but I don't. I do hope you manage to find a good one. Your right about the diets a friend of mine has just started something fancy too. I meanwhile am putting on weight from all the stress and also because I am making, (and eating,) all the foods Dave likes, to tempt him to eat. Help!

    Love, Paddy

  3. So sorry about this Tracey it's maddening isn' it! One has to be so on top of the medical people all the time. I don't know what the inneficiency is caused by but I think it is often "over-booking" which causes too much stress on the staff. My husband is always saying I worry too much, but my "worrrying" has often paid off as far as his treatment for LC is concerned. Hope his all gets straightened out soon. Love Paddy

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