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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Goodness, what a list! I don't suppose the Dr.s warned you about these side effects either! I remember the Dr. put my husband on Ambian, (a sleeping tablet,) and it caused him to hallucinate. No one warned me about that one and it scared the life out of me!


  2. Thank you all Dear friends,

    Today we saw the Onc. and he has put us in touch with a "radiologist?"! David has to have three weeks of radiology and the Gemzar has been put on hold. The oncologist says that Gemzar can interfere with the radiology outcome. David is taking Omprazole and decadron. I have heard such terrible things about decadron and I am a bit worried about that.

    David is amazingly cheerful today. Our friends and neighbours have been visiting him and keeping his spirits up. What angels we have around here!He has eaten a good dinner tonight too! You would hardly know that he has had a stroke. I am so relieved about that as the first stroke was a nightmare that we have never really recovered from and I was so terrified that the same thing was happening again.

    So, we carry on with the fight and hope for the best.

    Lots of love and thanks to you all.


  3. Carleen, My heart goes out to you , I am so very sorry about this set-back for you and your Dear husband. David was diagnozed with brain mets yesterday so I know exactly how you feel. And, whether our loved ons are 33yrs old or 64, it still has that awful frightening ring to it! My thoughts and prayers will be with you both and I am hoping the Oncologist can get treatment going as soon as possible. Good Luck to you both. Paddy

  4. Just to let you all know that David had a small stroke yesterday. He went for a short walk and when he returned he experienced a tingling in his hand and then began to slurr his speech. By the time the paramedics arrived, (about 10 to 15 minutes) his speech was more or less back to normal. He was not paralysed any more than the residual from his last stroke,(five years ago.) Apparently this stroke was on the opposite side of the brain to the last one.

    Anyway, after a barrage of tests the doctor told us that the reason for the stroke was Mets to the brain. He said the exertion of the walk had probably made the large tumor swell and so interfered with the brains "mechanism"? He has one fairly large tumor and many small ones. He is now on steroids and they plan radiation soon. As it is, they say he could have a siezure at any time. Today we have an appointment in the afternoon and should be starting Gemzar.

    Our daughters are waiting to hear what our Onc says this afternoon and then they are going to plan to come down to see their Dad.

    He really is an amazing man, you wouldn't think he had even had a stroke, he is talking just as intelligently as he has always done and his speech is only slightly slurred. He walks about but is a lot weaker and off balance.

    We are so upset about this setback, but I know a lot of our friends on this board are living with brain mets, so I will take courage from this fact.

    Pse excuse the spelling here, I am rushing this as I have loads to do before we go off to the onc.

    Prayers and love to you all,


  5. Yesterday some good friends of ours took us out to their daughter and son-in-laws home near the beach. We had a wonderful lunch ,(of which Dave managed to eat a little,) and then, after he had a good sleep, we all went to sit on the beach. The weather was just perfect and we found the salt air and the swell of the waves so relaxing. Watching the children play ing the surf was an added bonus. It was a wonderful day and gave us a chance to think of something else other than cancer. We did not forget however that on our wonderful day many folks elsewhere were mourning the losses of 9-ll. Our hearts go out to them.


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