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Posts posted by paddy

  1. So sorry about your little furry friend Marion. My little dog means so much to me so I can understand how much you miss Baby. I do hope you keep your happy memories of her and perhaps find a place in your heart for another needy kitty one day. Love Paddy

  2. I am so very sorry to hear this Fay, as if you and your family needed any more trouble. My heart goes out to you. I will be saying extra special prayers for you and your son tonight. Lots of love, Paddy

  3. Hello Everyone,

    I must confess I am finding it very difficult to handle this grieving process. Yesterday I was coping well and thinking I was beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel and, then, today I am missing my David so terribly that I can hardly function. I am missing his tall, huggable presence and his kind and loving ways and I just can't stop crying. Suddenly it all seems as new as when he first passed away.

    I am supposed to be going to stay with friends on Christmas night but I honestly feel like whimping out. I don't to upset them either and I fear I might.

    Thanks for listening,


  4. Yes Peggy I do understand the relief you are feeling. I felt exactly the same relief for almost exactly the same reasons after I had taken the courage to "come clean".. It was so hard to keep those secrets as nothing had ever been secret between us before...well, before he had the stroke that is. I hadn't had to discuss my man with any " acute rehab" or "oncolgy" staff before then either, and I felt I was betraying him or talking behind his back. Wishing you both strength, I'm thinking of you and your family all the time. Paddy

  5. Oh Heather, My heart goes out to you. I know exactly what you are going through. Many is the time I was doing just what you were doing in the early hours. You feel so helpless when everyone else is sleeping don't you. Those hours are so looooong too somehow.

    I do hope things will change for the better for your husband. Sending prayers and positive thoughts, Lots of love, Paddy

  6. Dear Angie,

    I think your Dad is being selfless in facing up to make these arrangements and not leaving you to manage it . I say, let him do it and then tell him you want to hear no more about it and you expect him to be around for a long, long time. Then you can all do your best to enjoy the holidays knowing your Dad has peace of mind.

    My David, bless him, did not want to know anything about arrangements . I wonder sometimes , even when he was so terribly ill, if he really believed he ever would need to make plans. He left it to my girls and I, and let me tell you when all you want to do is to curl up and mourn, this can be such a hard thing to do. I must say though the people at the funeral home were compassionate and kind and made things as easy for us as they possibly could.


  7. Dear Erin,

    What a lot you are going through right now and what a wonderful daughter you are to take such terrific care of your Mom. As for the Christmas presents, I say buy for your immediate family but tell the other's that you just can't cope with it this year. I really cannot handle things this Christmas either and I am settling for home-made gifts and goodies. You cannot do it all at once you know and people will understand I'm sure. Lots of love to you and your Mom and family. My thoughts and prayers go out to you.Paddy

  8. Dear Sharon,

    I was so sorry to hear about your Dad. I am glad you feel at peace with his passing. The moods of grief seem to change day by day and even hour by hour. I hope you mange to hold on to this one and also the many happy memories of times spent with your Dad.

    Much Love,


  9. Dear Ann,

    My heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you feel. I felt totally alone today, and missed my husband so terribly. I miss being able to share things with him as you do with your husband. I know the pain of my Mom's death was healed with time, but then I was a child when she died. I wonder if the pain of losing one's partner will ever go away. I am trying very hard not to feel cheated, do you feel that way? I will be keeping you in my thoughts and wishing you comfort.


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