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Posts posted by paddy

  1. I do think animals are extremely sensetive to our feelings. Cats especially seem to have a "sixth sense"and know when someone needs comforting. I am glad your little cat has taken to you now, she will be a lot of company for you.

    After my husband died "his" little dog "Hobie" , a "Schipperke",became very distant towards me too. He was definately sad and missed David, I could see that. At the time we had a house full of people down for the memorial, so I gave our room to my brother and sister-in-law and slept in a spare room. One morning when my brother was still in bed, I crept in to get something out of my closet. Hobie followed me and thinking that it was Dave in the bed he became really excited and jumped and landed on top of my brother. Realizing his mistake he immediately jumped off again! The expression on the poor dog's faced went from happiness to grief in a moment, it nearly broke my heart.

    I can't say he is as affectionate with me as he was with Dave, even now, but the other day when I was having a good old "bawling session", he became quite concerned and came over and gave me a big lick on the face. I must say he has been a great comfort and I don't know what I would do without him.


  2. Nikkala,

    I am so sorry to hear about your Gram. My husband resisted "Hospice" too, and I am sorry in a way because I have heard so many good reports about it. I am sure it would help your Gram with her comfort and peace of mind and your families peace of mind too.

    Prayer's coming for your Gram and all your family,

    Love Paddy

  3. Ginny,

    So sorry you are feeling down and with good reason too. These anniversaries are hard to handle now aren't they!

    I can understand how scared you are feeling about showing the house and moving, I am feeling like that too. I am sure though that everything will go smoothly and that you and the kids will soon be ensconced in your new home and enjoying every minute. My thoughts are with you, and I wish you the best of luck.Paddy

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