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Posts posted by Rachel

  1. Hi Cindy,

    NED is awesome. Congratulations!!! I have found that zophran works so much better for nausea. Haven't had much luck with compazine. Good Luck.


  2. Happy New Year Sandy,

    Well ain't that great news!!! I am so happy for you. I am in Maine for the holidays & will return to Alaska this Thursday. There's no place like home so we are looking forward to our return. Hoe you've had a great holiday season.

    All my best...Rachel

  3. I was supposed to have a breast reduction but the chest x-ray turned things around. I was so scared when I heard the word Lung Cancer. Thank god my husband was home & not out to sea. We had to fly to Oregon from Alaska to find an Oncologist & Radiation. I was DX May 21, 2002. I Had all my radiation at OHSU in Oregon & started my Chemo there. I was able to complete chemo in Alaska but not Rad. Then I developed brain mets. More radiation down south. Then we just found brain mets & mets in spinal fluid nothing attached so far. Just floating. So I went to Or. again when I developed bad back pain and received the radiation. I am now doing pill form (Themodar) chemo (Dec 2004). I am trying to make the best of my time when I'm feeling well. We take off in our 34' boat & meet friends in the alaska wilds, go fishing,shrimping & crabbing. Soon we leave for Maine to visit my family for the holidays. Even our Lab Ole will come with us. He is part of the family. My Mums Grand Dog & she loves dogs! My husband is so very suppotive. He is a tugboat captain and is home for several months at a time & is a great deal of support. I am pampered!! That is pretty much my story in a nutshell. I pray & think of all of you on this board each day. Good luck to all of you.



  4. Hello to all my dear message board friends.

    I am still in Oregon completing my radiation to my spinal area. From like C-4 to Lumbar & brain mets. Feeling good & stronger walking since rad. My Rad Onc ROCKS!!! Going to the coast Sunday to camp in the Yurts . Last Rad on the 9th of Nov then North to Alaska on the 11th. Can't wait to get home! There I will begin a pill form of chemo called...Temodar sp? I believe that is the spelling. Anyone heard or done this? How about you Dr. Joe?

    Time for the drive to Portland. Rachel

  5. Karen,

    I am so sad to hear about your Dad's passing. I am praying for smooth sailing for all of you & the most wonderful memories of your Dad to carry you all through this difficult time.

    Many blessings...Rachel

  6. Donna, I couldn't have described the Thecal Sac any better. Bottom line though "It aint good"

    My plan is to keep my Kick A-- attitude, treat for pain, shrinkage & try to stay ahead of it all for a while & have fun. It's my journey and as another friend who battled C said it doesn't go away, you just gotta live with it.

    My husband who has bee stuck on a tugboat this whole time in 40'seas will finally fly into Portland tonight!!!! Yipeeee. This will take alot of the pressure off his parents as I'm not allowed to drive right now. Plus he is always fun to have around.

    After Rad I'm hoping to do my chemo in Ketchikan. One day at a time. I must say, the shopping is wayyyy to good down here!! The Woodburn outlet mall is just down the road!!!!

    Onc Doc.

    Joe, Any comments to this? What's your take?

    All of you take care & I'll now try to cach up on all the posts.

    Rachel Sending prayers & the best positive energy I can muster.

  7. Just received resuts from MRI. Looks like my Thecal Sac has tumors floating around in there. My Oregon Doc has recommended heading south immediatly for tests & treatment. Not an easy thing to do when you live up here & have dogs to farm out. Thank god for good friends to help out. I'll probably be off for a bit. Fly to Oregon on Friday & may go right into the hospital. This may call for a hall pass!! I'll get back to you when I can. In the meantime be happy & healthy.

    Has anyone had thi happen? I would like your views.


  8. Cindy,

    Susan competed in the Wisconsin Ironman last year & said this was so much harder. Last year she place 2nd in the woman's this race was more like 1060 out of 1500. But she finished in fine shape. Thank you so much for asking.


  9. Nancy,

    Nothing to be nervous about. I had WBR as the mets showed up before I could do PCI the little buggers! It doesn't hurt. Just try to relax. If your uncomfotable ask for a mild sedation. Usually doesn't take long either. My side effects showed up later. Fatigue, nausea (light) some dizziness and of course the memory loss. I've learned to write everything down most of the time. You'll do great!


  10. Renee

    So good to hear from you. I'm sure you have had a tough road to travel but I hope you have brought along many good memories to help you down the path. Don't be a stranger. Rachel

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