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Posts posted by Rachel

  1. Karen,

    Would you receive a quicker response if you took your Dad to the emergency room? Sometimes starting there gets faster results. I'm not sure if your comfortable with taht but it may be worth a try. Good luck & I pray your Dad feels relief soon.


  2. David & Karen,

    When we were in Oregon last summer for my treatments we made it a point to go camping on the coast every weekend. A wonderful attitude adjustment & peaceful time together. I always returned refreshed & full of positve energy. Hope it does the same for you. Good luck with your tests. Prayers & positive thoughts coming your way. Rachel

  3. Cat,

    My heart goes out to you. My brain mets were treated with WBR. Side effects: fatigue & memory loss some dizziness. But worth it as they are now NED. Please call your daughter. I'm sure she would want to help & it would be best to not be alone. I will be praying for you and sending waves of positive energy. Please find comfort from knowing so many of us are praying for you. Keep us posted. Rachel

  4. Cheryl, How exciting to have a new foul.

    My neuoprothy is quite aggrivating. Mostly in the left leg & foot. There is a good accupunctuist here so I will check with her for relief. Thanks for the tip Ry.


  5. Pip,

    That is very good news. I agree the good Lord has something to do with our Healing & comfort. I also feel strongly about the educated Doctors that have taken such good care of me. I have been fortunate to have Docs that care. If it feels good & comfortable than that's for you.

    Thanks to all of you. Don't know what I would do without the board.

    Hope the new week starts smoothly.

    Rachel Stromme

  6. Don, Your Lucie is one beautiful Gal. Glad to hear things are going well. Keep up the good work Lucie, your amazing. But then aren't we all!!!!!Best wishes & Prayers... Rachel Stromme. I always sigh last name cause I'm not quite sure who would recognize just the first name.

    Time to wine do before bed. Hope everyone had a great weekend. 32 deg here in Ketchikan,Ak this morning. Beautiful day.

    Happy Fall

    Rachel Stromme.

  7. Wonderful news Dee! NED is such a good feeling. here's wishing he's not just visiting & is around for the long haul. Good luck to you. I have been Ned for 7 Months & hope to keep him(Her) around for a very long time.


  8. I am soooo proud of my dear friend Susan Doherty. Today she will be competing in the Hawaii ironman. She qualified for it from participating in the Wisconsin Ironman this year.

    Good luck Susan, I'll be thinking of you my dear friend. Kick Butt!!!


  9. Hi Patrice,

    Welcome to our family. The best thing I ever did was continue to come back to this message board. The people on here are incredible. Warm. loving & full of first hand information. Come back often. Glad to hear your doing so well with your treatments.


  10. OH David. How awful. But looking at the big picture you were lucky. I recently stepped into the hold in our galley on the boat. Hubby was working on water pump & I turned around & down I went. I'm sure not as far as you fell. Still working on stiff neck & shoulder & sciatica issues.

    Here's hoping you heal fast & fell better soon.

    PS I'm not allowed on ladders!!! I now blame everything on the meds!!!

    Good Luck...Rachel

  11. Hey David

    I also had Cisplatin & faired pretty well with it. I hope you make out ok.

    Sorry this is such a late post. I have been out of town & trying to catch up. Hope you had a great camping trip. I love camping!!!


  12. Hi Sandy,

    I know this is a late reply but I have been out of town. I returned home to find an envelope from someone I barely know with a yellow Livestrong wristband in there for me. He is a running companion of a dear friend & prostate cancer surviver. I wear it all the time.

    Good job on your part Sandy getting wristbands for your walk. I wish I was feeling better to have organized something here in Ketchikan. Very small town though. Good luck & best wishes.


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