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Posts posted by TeeTaa

  1. Thanks to all of you for the prayers and words of encouragement. Caleb's surgery went well yesterday . . . there was extensive damage, and they ended up having to remove his lens and a good part of his retina, and put in a silicone "buckle" to help keep the retina that was left attached. The next few weeks and months will be critical with regard to whether the remaining retina does stay attached (which apparently has a lot to do with the future of the eye), so we're keeping our fingers crossed. Yesterday was rough for him - the anesthesia took its toll, so he spent most of the afternoon/evening on my sofa with a trash can close by. He had to spend the first 24 hours face down because they put some oil in as part of the treatment, so he wasn't exactly comfortable even when the pain finally subsided. He had to go back to the surgeon for a check-up this morning, and she said things were looking good. Caleb was disappointed that he has to stay out of school the rest of the week . . . made us think he was worried about the schoolwork, but something tells me the social aspect was really his concern!

    He's such a great kid and "cuzzin" - when we got him home yesterday, he wanted to know where my girls were, so I called the neighbor to send them home to see him. When they came in, he made a point of assuring them he was okay and asking them for hugs, which they readily (but ackwardly, due to his position!) gave him. Don't know many 14-year-old's who'd have done that!

    Thanks again - and I'll keep y'all posted.

    Praying for us all,


  2. Kathi -

    I'll most definitely send some recipes! Let me get through this week's family crisis, and I'll get cracking on it.

    Just a thought - how 'bout getting some survivors and/or kids of survivors or those we've lost to do some artwork for the cookbook? You might not be planning to use one of the formats that allow this, but if you are, I'm sure there are some who could contribute.

    Thanks for all you're doing!


  3. As long as I have things by around December 1st, we'll be fine. For those one-of-a-kind pieces that some people are making or providing (KitKathi's husband's wooden reindeer set, ViVi's stained glass piece, ballgame tickets, Broadway tickets, etc.) that might be difficult to price, I plan to set them up silent auction style, so people can place bids and the highest bidder wins. If you're making/providing something like this, I'd really like to know at least a couple of weeks before the event so that I can get nice "bid sheets" prepared for each piece. (My marketing degree comes in handy when it comes to things like this - I can assure you it won't be "halfway done" and that we'll maximize the opportunity to raise funds.)

    Thanks again to all of you for your support of this endeavor.


  4. Needin' a few prayers -

    Our 14-year-old nephew Caleb (not TBone's son - this one belongs to our other brother, Guy) had an accident ten days ago. He was out on a farm shooting a BB gun, and one of the BB's ricocheted off a pole back into his eye. He underwent surgery that day, then came up to Atlanta for further evaluation last week. Unfortunately, the outlook for his regaining any eyesight whatsoever in that eye is pretty much nil. He is undergoing further surgery tomorrow morning up here at Emory Hospital . . . the doctor was quite clear in explaining that her goal is not to save his eyesight, as that's not a possibility, but instead her goal is to simply save his eye, so that it doesn't "die" itself. This is one of the greatest kids you could ever know, and if there's anyone who can overcome such a disability, it's him. As evidence of this - he was glad he had this weekend "free," cause deer season was opening up and he wanted to go hunting. First thing yesterday morning, HE GOT A DEER - shooting left eyed and left-handed for the first time, no less! Think he can adapt to being one-eyed?!?! :lol: He's a great athlete and hunter, so this will undoubtedly be tough to deal with, but as we all realize, it certainly could have been a lot worse. At least it's only a BB lodged in his head, and at least it stopped at the back of his eye.

    So please offer up a little prayer for Caleb's surgery tomorrow. I know it works, cause when I asked for prayers for my FIL and his rare skin cancer, things went well. All those nodes they removed from his neck area came back NED, and he's doing very well handling his chemo treatments.

    Thanks to you all for being there as even more extended family.

    Praying for us all,


  5. Please accept my sincerest condolences. You've dealt with things in such a more healthy way than those around you. I'm sure your father is very proud.

    Praying for us all,


  6. Thanks for kicking this up, Gina. I had planned to post a reminder message this morning, but this works too!

    HEY Y'ALL - DON'T FORGET TO SEND ME STUFF! (And yes, I know I'm yelling - wanted to be sure everyone hears me!) I've already gotten some great jewelry (made by J.C.) and tooth fairy pillows (made by Rosanne) from Katie, so tha "accumulation" has begun! I really think this is a great opportunity . . . I had planned to take reservations for booths until mid-November, but I'm already just about full and getting more calls every day. So word is getting out about the Holiday Extravaganza, so I think we'll have a lot of people there - meaning we'll sell a lot of stuff and make some fundraising moolah!

    Pamela and Angie and their kids from over in Alabama are planning to come help out selling stuff in the booth, and of course my family will be there, so it'll also be fun in that some of us will get a chance to meet - FINALLY! The rest of you are invited too!

    Remember - PM or e-mail me (jkstuart@bellsouth.net) if you need more info. And if you're sending items to be sold, let me know how you think we should price it . . . we might have to adjust it a bit depending on the market, but I'd like to start with your suggestions.


    Katha (aka TeeTaa)

  7. Joe -

    I see that someone saw the need to and had the means to delete the info you posted. Sure glad I got a chance to read it . . . was mighty darn interesting info.


  8. Cindi,

    I hope today dawned a little brighter for you. Here's to those good ole fishing memories. And by the way - how's little Jay?

    Praying for us all,


  9. You've given me so much of that fortitude in the past, so I'm throwing it right back at you. Wish I was there to take you to the doctor. But if she's young and just out of school, she'd probably make me feel old, then I wouldn't be any help at all!

    Will be anxious to hear how things go.



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