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Posts posted by TeeTaa

  1. Y'all have fun, be safe, and otherwise have a great trip. You certainly deserve it as you prepare for next week's treatments. We'll be thinking of you. Give that little Faith a Georgia hug for me.

    Praying for us all,


  2. My heart breaks for you, and partly for me too, cause your Mom and my big brother passed on about the same time. I hope you find some comfort in thinking of the two of them "getting there" together . . . walking along that beautiful path and knowing that their loved ones would be terribly grief-stricken but wanting them to go on with their lives and eventually be able to remember the good times. I'm still not quite there yet . . . maybe we can get there together.

    Praying for us all,


  3. So glad you're back! I talked to ViVi late last night (she called to inform me that she indeed followed my orders to call you!) She told me that you said she sounds much more Southern than me . . . I guess those two years I spent in Denver back in 91-93 did a number on me! Can I come over there to Alabama to work on getting my Southern accent back? :lol:

    I'll call you a little later today. Sure hope the morning has brought you better spirits and less pain for your Dad.

    Praying for us all,


  4. There's a place in your Profile where you choose timezone. I'm in the Eastern time zone, and in the little block on my profile, it says GMT - 4 hrs, and I THINK it's posting the correct time for my messages. (At least on my end it is.) Don't know how I got it right . . . lucky guess, probably.


  5. Cindi -

    Sorry to hear that you're having trouble. Wish I could bottle up some of my girls' stamina for you.

    Don -

    Great news! You need to post that on a new thread though, cause I'm sure everyone would love to know.

    Praying for us all,


  6. I just had a long talk with Dean, and he said it's not really necessary for me to send a hard copy of this thread, cause he's still getting online and reading the board each and every day. But he also admitted that he's spending a little time playing online poker, so I guess his priorities have just changed! :lol:

    Dean's main problem is weakness, and fortunately he's not having a whole lot of pain. He was sitting there enjoying the view of the birds out his window when I called . . . how wonderful for him.

    For those of you who do have his number and plan to call . . . he let me in on the fact that he stays up til midnight or so, then doesn't get up til noon or so, and I happened to have called at his "up" time of the day (3 pm California time).

    Praying for us all,


  7. Wow, Don. Your posts sure do bring a smile to my face! Welcome to this great group of people! And like Ry, I'm thinking Frank's gonna be mighty glad to have some help over there on the men's side in the Just for Laughs forum. Check it out when you can.

    Thanks for ALREADY being such an inspiration! Sure do wish my big brother had lived long enough to get to know you too . . . I just know you two would've hit it off.

    Praying for us all,


  8. As a migraine sufferer myself, I just want to say - how on earth do you handle all this chemo stuff AND a migraine at the same time?! Gosh - the mere thought of it almost puts me over the edge. I would tend to agree that the migraines are probably stress-induced . . . I'm sure you've been worried sick about today's treatment, and that would surely lead to one.

    Also wanted to just wish you the best of luck with today's treatment. For goodness' sake - could you just surprise us this afternoon with, "Things went great. I was in and out of there in no time. No reactions. Life is good." PLEASE?!?! :D

    Praying for us all,


  9. Yea for Don! Seeing the photo of him and Lucie just sort of has a way of calming me down, cause before I even read, I know the words that accompany the photo are true words of wisdom.

    Thanks for being there, Don. Don't know what I'd do without you.

    Praying for us all,


  10. Don't worry, KatieB - I learned from the Master (you!) This event is entirely INDOORS!

    Can't wait to get the "goodies". Tooth fairy pillows? I might just have to invest in one - my seven-year-old has lost two teeth in the last week and has another one hanging on for all its life! Talking a little funny, but looking cute nonetheless!

    Kickin' it up!


  11. Kicking this back to the top, cause I want everyone to have an opportunity to post a message to Dean Carl before I print out and send them to him (assuming it's okay with him and Gay, that is!)

    Dean - I know that if TBone were here, he'd be wishing you only good things. And so would ViVi, but her computer has crashed. She and I often talk about how inspirational you were to TBone during his battle with this darn disease, and that's why YOU were the one person on this board whom I called the day after he died. Just hearing your voice made things better for me. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to make things better for you.

    Praying for us all,


  12. I'll plan to call Dean in a day or so. I've been wanting to check in with him, so I'm glad to get the "prodding" from Ry.

    Also, I'll ask Gay to give me their mailing address, and I'll print out all these messages to send to them if it's okay with her. Just thought it might be easier for him to have a hard copy to read instead of having to sit at the computer. So y'all go ahead and leave your messages to Dean and Gay on this thread so they can be included. We've gotta let our favorite member know how much he's missed!


    Praying for us all,


  13. I love to see someone blow those statistics out of the water . . . especially someone as terrific as Lucie. My heart is smiling for you two tonight.

    Praying for us all,


  14. Great news, James! I'm working on getting more information for you, and I'll call your Mom either later today or tomorrow. Did she get another chemo treatment on Thursday? How is she feeling? Did she get the referral to Iowa City?

    I'm so glad to see that the cancer is still only in one lung and hasn't spread - it's much more treatable that way!

    Talk to you soon -


  15. Muriel -

    ATTORNEYS. Yep, that's a tricky one! :lol:

    Stephanie -

    So glad to see you back, but hate that you're having to deal with this on top of your grief. I'm sure there will be others who'll see this message and be able to offer good advice. But I won't even try, cause I haven't a clue.

    Praying for us all,


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