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Everything posted by Annette

  1. How time flies - I look forward to seeing you everyday - I was telling Judy (kw) how much I've grown to count on all the "friends" here to get me through the day - Good and bad I feel like I've become part of so many lives - it's just a great place to be. Annette
  2. Sorry for the absence most of the day - slept in - went to the grocery store - wow that sucks by yourself. Now of course I am watching the basketball game - it is half time and I'm a little worried - but it is historic as this is the first time VCU made the Sweet 16, Elite 8 and now the Final Four - so it has been fun even though I am not a huge basketball fan. Judy, I lived in the keys many many years ago - my daughter was 6 so that would have been 17 years ago. Lived on Little Torch Key - worked at Big Pine Key Fishing Lodge - loved it. My husband (divorced 13 years ago) was a recruiter out of Miami and his parents lived there so he drove up and down the keys every day. (I was down in the keys during the OJ trial - and we moved back to Virginia about the time of the final verdict). I couldn't go the whole day without checking in - - - Can't wait to hear from you Judy for the exact meeting day - it is April already and you are on the road...... then in July I get to meet Eric - both Keith and I are really looking forward to that. Back to basketball. Annette
  3. Annette


    Judy - we are absolutely on for any day / time you are near. I am excited to meet you as well! I was very glad to read the part about not judging the PJs - because I was a little worried about what exactly Geri meant by "big girl panties" and I could only picture them being too big for me and falling off and I was thinking I sure am glad that I have not been exercising maybe all those extra pounds are there to make sure they will stay on. Which makes me think of a scene in "The Ugly Truth".... it didn't beat my favorite all time When Harry Met Sally scene but it was cute - anybody seen it? I'm thinking we could all use a couple of laughs and maybe a cup of cheer too - Eric is out there partying why can't we? Annette
  4. It's a little chilly here today - and I wore a tee shirt to work - (a Final Four VCU Rams Shirt!!!) Gonna be a basketball type of weekend I'm afraid and hopeful. Does anybody have any experience with what Ned is going through that could give us some reassurance? Cause I'm not liking what I'm hearing and/or not hearing. I think he is in all of our hearts right now - we could just use a little bit of good news. Anyway - onward to work for me. Annette
  5. Annette


    Great great plan - - most important part kicking cancer's butt, second would be lounging on the coach and taking care of you - remember when Judy (MI) was feeling down we did a stupid tv / movie night - well we may have to watch a lot of it to make sure you are alright - such a small sacrifice - I may start practicing tonight - I believe I will through a mushy romantic comedy in the dvd player and do nothing but snack all night - just for you Judy - I won't benefit at all from it cause it's just for you. Annette
  6. It is rainy here - and that makes your mood rainy - (almost as being at work makes my mood rainy). But I'm gonna try and lighten up for just a second - Joke 1 Two guys are sitting on a bar stool. One starts to insult the other one. He screams, “I slept with your mother!” The bar gets quiet as everyone listens to see what the other weasel will do. The first again yells, “I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOTHER!” The other says, “Go home dad you’re drunk.” Joke 2 Texan: “Where are you from?” Harvard grad: “I come from a place where we do not end our sentences with prepositions.” Texan: “Okay – where are you from, jacka$$?” (Gotta admit - as a Texan - this one did not do it for me!!!) Joke 3 - A Better Texan Joke..... Long-Distance Calls A man in Topeka, Kansas decided to write a book about churches around the country. He started by flying to San Francisco and worked east from there. Going to a very large church, he began taking photographs and notes. He spotted a golden telephone on the vestibule wall and was intrigued by a sign which read: "$10,000 a minute." Seeking out the Pastor he asked about the phone and the sign. The Pastor explained that the golden phone was, in fact, a direct line to Heaven and if he paid the price he could talk directly to God. The man thanked the Pastor and continued on his way. As he continued to visit churches in Seattle, San Diego, Chicago, Greensboro, Tampa and all around the United States, he found more phones with the same sign and got the same answer from each Pastor. Finally, he arrived in Texas. Upon entering a church in Dallas, behold, he saw the usual golden telephone. But THIS time, the sign read: "Calls: 35 cents." Fascinated, he asked to talk to the Pastor. "Reverend, I have been in cities all across the country and in each church I have found this golden telephone. I have been told it is a direct line to Heaven and that I could talk to God, but, in the other churches the cost was $10,000 a minute. Your sign reads 35 cents. Why?" The Pastor, smiling benignly, replied, "Son, you're in Texas now... It's a local call." For those of us that work - one more day to Friday.... And let me ask Ann a question - - - when you are President - does that mean you have to work everyday - because we have this TGIF think going on here - and you are an integral part of that operation. Annette
  7. Annette


    As always Judy you are in my thoughts. I wish i could come up with some bright idea to help with your stomach issues. Right now I am experiencing "anxiety" issues that make it feel like I have an elephant on my chest and it is upsetting my "tummy" too - (not even scan related). I will offer one suggestion that actually helped me before the major worries started - problem is that I have no idea if you could take it while on chemo so you would have to ask that question. I had stomach issues the last 2 years - like the whole area right below my rib cage - I had an upper gi done and it was not in my stomach - but he said it might be that irritable bowel syndrome. Which makes sense - because of the stress we go thru even when we don't feel "stress" so to speak. He gave me a prescription for DICYCLOMINE (generic for BENTYL) and I can honestly say that when I take it as directed I can go for several days without a lot of pain - considering it hurt almost everyday since my surgery in Aug of 2009 - now it really only hurts when I don't take it or I'm really really stressed. (You never know what will work!) I feel like all of us have been put thru the ringer - it's hard to believe how much you start to care for your virtual friends - everyone here is pretty much family - and I would give anything to help you through this pain - as would everyone here. I know you are rushing around - but take care of that lady in the mirror she's needed here! Annette
  8. Where did that rain come from - make it go away - I need sunshine - we need sunshine - I think all of us need a little good news - so come on someone speak up - who is having a good day? Who can make us smile? and you better not say the candy man - unless he has Dove Chocolate with him! Annette
  9. Judy's right - I know I was anxiously waiting to hear something and overwhelmed when we did. But he would support us while we got better and we can do the same for him. I have a lot of work to do today - and I am really looking forward to Friday. The nephew and I had our first "bit of an argument" last night - all things considered for us that is pretty darn good. He asked when he might be getting to use his computer - as he can't communicate with his girlfriend during the week because her parents take away her phone....hummm. I said I had no trouble letting him have the computer but when I go to bed it goes with me. But - But - But - okay we'll talk about it when you listen to me - do you have homework - yes - he was to study for a history test - so he went off and 1/2 hour later I went to check - grabbed his book and said what pages is the test over - I was pleasantly surprised that the book was open to one of the 60 pages he mentioned. So I asked him a question - and he didn't know - so I asked him another question - and he didn't know (shall I go on or do you get the picture?) So what pages have you studied - he doesn't even really know what pages the quiz are covering. Well did you write it down in your daily calendar....duh..... I think when the rock fell off the tree it actually hit him in the head. As you can tell I really am struggling at work to write a report so I am acting a little bit like Eric in the length of my post. I wish a funny joke would jump off my fingers - we could certainly use a laugh. It was a little chilly this morning - but will be nice out at quitting time. (think to the tune of white Christmas) I am dreaming of a long vacation, just like the ones I used to go on, where the sun warmed me, and there were no children, and drinks came with pretty straws. Yep - let that song get stuck in your head - don't hiccup or they will get suspicious - Annette
  10. Dang - and I read that blog the other day - I should have remembered. Maybe I did but I was having a senior moment when I posted the other (wrong) answer. That's it - all this exercise has done me in. Now you will have to turn around and go the other way around Bud. Annette
  11. Ok Bud - you are just teasing us trying to make us think hard today - accomplishment after two more days which would make it the last day of the month. My guess - you rode to work every day this month - ..?? - So we must be feeling pretty in shape about now. That is why you have so much energy after work to go fishing even on a weekday. I believe I will go home after work today and take a nap for everyone that needs it. See how I too can contribute. Annette
  12. Is it just me or does today feel a lot like yesterday? I'm not a "snooze" button person - nope I will just change the alarm time I don't go for 7 minutes at a time I go for 30 minutes. So of course my mom is calling when I am in the shower reminding me that the nephew has a doctors appointment at 8 a.m. kindly get him over to her - yep "it's a great day to kick somebody's ...." I have a video link on facebook that might be appropriate today! For some reason my stomach is really hurting today. I have much work to do at work so it will just have to behave and that's that. So we need some entertainment around here - Eric cannot be the only one to tell us his long stories. Like just the other day when we were talking about my sister my mom said that when we were kids I could always always always look so innocent and no matter what she would look guilty. (I can't tell you how good that predicament was - many times we were told to sit on the couch until someone admitted that that had done whatever the misdeed was - I remember one involving kittens and a typewriter cover that my little hands just could not get back open!) Of course I was, am and will always be innocent - and she, I know it is hard to believe since she was a year younger than me, she wanted to carry the kittens home from my grandmothers in that carrying case. It was a long time before we got a kitten as I recall. I'll have to tell you the sugar story sometime - but work is ... well work. Check back in a while, Annette I posted at the same time as Judy - I can't delete the post but I moved it here - Judy - can you delete the one I retitled "Delete this post please"......Sorry.
  13. Good Monday Morning - - well it's Monday - I'll let you decide if it is good or not. For a second it is pretty darn good here - - My alma mater will be playing Saturday in the Final Four Basketball tournament - it was a great game for all I know - I'm very new to watching college basketball - Richmond will be a little wilder than normal this week I think. Other than that I had a nice relaxing napping weekend. Now I must get myself busy at work because I have a lot to do. I'll check in after I get some work done and my eyes open - - yes probably in that order. Annette
  14. Good morning all - had a great great great ( you get the idea ) evening last night - me and basketball - that's right watched the whole basketball game - and my throat is a little sore because well that's just my coaching style - and they were all the way in San Antonio so I had to be a little loud so they could hear me. First time my alma mater VCU made it into the Sweet Sixteen and the first time my alma mater made it into the whatever they call the top 8. Super exciting - except now I will have to watch a basketball game on Sunday - and they are playing a team that well it may not be a pretty game - but I'm ever hopeful. We had to be up by 9 a.m. and Marco's outreach worker has already stopped by. Now I gotta get him off the game and into cleaning cause he wants to have his little girlfriend visit - sigh. I just want a nap. Judy - so so glad you are feeling better - hope it lasts thru the day and you get everything done. We are expecting some weather here later I believe so I'm not planning on doing much or going anywhere. I did bring a little work home just in case. I'll check back in later, Annette
  15. Debbi - Be sure you go prepared - there is a great amount of information buried in the posts here and one of them is the list of questions that you should take with you. I wish now I had taken a pad of paper with me at all times for all the questions that I just couldn't catch in my mind - I'm sure you understand how things go swirling around and it's hard to slow down. Does anyone know where that list of questions is? I should probably copy it for future use. I'm sorry you had to stumble onto this site but you will find a great deal of good people ready to help you as best we can. You may also want to visit cancergrace.org - although we try and point you in the right direction - at this site you can ask questions and medical people will try to answer - I'm certain most people here have asked a question there. If there is anything that we can help you with - ask, annette
  16. So very good to hear how well you are doing post surgery. It is hard to come back but you have done it and with a great attitude that I know makes me feel good and makes me want to get out and try harder myself. Looks like you have made some new friends here and we look forward to hearing about your progress. Annette
  17. Oh my, Bud - you got me....and my tack isn't very sharp today cause I had to think about it before I got it - talk about rusty humor. (LOL tack, rusty humor - that was funny.) So I'm gonna right that one down in the book. Bud - 1 point - got me - must get even - somehow some way when you least expect it and it will probably be an accident on my part being that my tack is rusty - and someone will probably have to point it out to me that I got you back - but I will get my humor back on the right path. Who am I kidding - Annette
  18. It is Friday - yeah - is it 5 yet? Ok a little early to be asking that already. Not much in the way of plans for the weekend - pretty hard since I'm on house arrest - wait a minute - that's not me it's the kid - this is not fun anymore!BUT - tonight -- tonight will be good Both Richmond Teams Play in the basketball tournaments tonight. Keith bought me a Sweet Sixteen Teeshirt - but I wore my "I bleed Black and Gold" shirt. Needless to say the City is going crazy. My University is in the tournament for the first time ever - VCU Virginia Commonwealth University and they the University of Richmond also made it. Judy - I am excited that we can get together - - It won't matter what time you roll through town I work very close to 95 and don't really live all that far so no matter when you want to get together would be fine with me. I will pm my phone number to you. Well it's Friday - I was gonna sneak out of work a little early today but the administrative assistant just hobbled in here with a hurt back so I'm betting she won't make the whole day. I really do need a vacation day - now even Saturday doesn't count because someone comes by your house before noon to check on the kidlet. Sigh - nap anyone. Check in later, Annette
  19. Good morning everyone, I got a slow start today. Some one kept resetting my alarm clock and then when that someone finally got up she was running late for work. Bad girl that I am - she is. My mom called while I was in the shower - where is the kid - he is supposed to go over to her house before school - well it took me 3 tries to successfully get him up - so the slug thing was going around. Don't know why I am so tired on work days and yet on the weekends I feel great. Just makes no sense ... does it. Today I am procrastinating because I have to write a report that I have no idea how to start, finish, or write the middle part of. I can do the numbers it's just the writing part that escapes me. Judy (MI) it may be time to start a list of missing in actions - we haven't seen Bruce in a while now. Do you think the llama ran off with him? I am really feeling the need for a slow day today - need a nap - for some reason someone called in sick at 4:30 this morning - ruined a perfectly good dream and after that it was tossing and turning. Last two days they have interrupted shows with thunderstorm warnings - the storms zoom thru but the lightening is horrible. Think today is just gonna be a cool one - I'll Check back in later to see whose been by. Annette Whoops - now I have to try and delete that other post.
  20. I absolutely agree with Lillian - Bud - riding in that wind was like double our work - no wonder I'm feeling pretty good today yesterday must have been hard on the EVTB Team.....LOL I hadn't heard about Elizabeth Taylor - so very sad although not altogether unexpected - I do look at the tabloid pictures, can't bring myself to buy them but I can make up plenty of stories on my own about the covers. Where are all our missing people - check in please - are we gonna have to get some carrier pigeons to carry notes back and forth to check on everyone? Annette
  21. Good morning - a little chilly up here in Virginia this morning. I am still so very far behind at work and my brain has decided to leave the building. Hmmm, maybe I should go for a walk and find it. What - walk - me - there feeling better already - let it find me. Judy - here's hoping your stomach settles down and behaves itself. Maybe you should threaten to move north. I know when I lived on Little Torch Key - my stomach did not want to go back up north. I didn't have the same issues as you do. Maybe it is trying to trick you into taking a day of rest and relaxation. Cater to it - let's see if it was me - a nice cup of tea - a graham cracker (don't want to eat to much since we are resting up for the party tonight) and a little soapy tv for the day. Or maybe a nap - yep - I could take a nap for you. (such a sacrifice.... now writing with only one eye open just in case you say the nap is a go.) Oh well - the point of course is I hope you feel better Judy. The week is 1/2 over - and that nap I mentioned - sure does sound good! Annette
  22. Hey - I'm not a slug. I'm just so very far behind at work because I was a slug previously. Umm - maybe that is the same thing as being a slug but I worked for a good long while this morning. Yesterday - I didn't not even turn on my personal computer - I think FaceBook may stop working without me playing all my games. Umm - maybe that is me that will "start" working without me playing all the games. Can't pull anything over my eyes can I. Ginny as long as you don't tell anyone - I'll tell you a little story about my glasses. (I really think I need a new pair because I'm wearing them less and less cause I just can't see with them - but I have to have them to drive - and who really wants to see at work.) The other day I packed up my stuff to leave work - walked all the way out to my car - thankfully realized I wasn't wearing them. Sigh - I will have to walk all the way back in and my office is in the back of the building out of the line of fire so to speak. So I trudged all the way back in - turned my desk upside down (a little messy since I am having to work for some reason) - and still couldn't find my glasses. I finally asked the administrative assistant to come help. She came back to my office - turned around and walked out for a couple of minutes (I found out later it was because she did not want to roll around on my floor laughing). and said..Annette, where do you usually keep your glasses. Yep you guessed it they were up on top of my head like sunglasses. It is not the first time that I have walked all the way back in for them either - just the first time that I located them on top of my head. Lillian - you are always on the go - I do enjoy it when you tell us you took a moment to yourself and read for a while. That's what I would like to do. Gotta admit I miss the "breaks" I used to take - that was when I read - a lot. You are doing so much work on your rock-a-thon it will be a big success. I am even a little worried about the May Relay for Life since my world is so upside down right now. Miss Judy - - - I wish I lived near you so I could give you a real hug. Just so you know I worry about you every day - so I hope that eases your mind a little - and if you want I would gladly worry more, exercise, dust my house, clean my bathrooms, anything that would help you. Of course, I don't know how often I'd be willing to repeat that but once couldn't hurt, right. Seriously - you are in my thoughts and prayers and I so very much want you to have good days - that include stuff working! And if you feel like I could be of any help to vent your frustrations on I'm up for that too - I would gladly pm you my phone number if you need an actual voice / person to listen. Do you think Bud played hooky from work? Wonder what the weather is like in northern Texas? Where has Bruce been? Becky - I know you can talk them out of their hiding places..... Annette
  23. Good Morning everyone - getting ready to head to the high school for the meeting with the administrator then on to a long work day. It is dreary outside / heard some thundering and it looks like a rainy wintery day. Once again I did not sleep well - so this whole thing must be weighing heavy on my mind. Hopefully everyone here had good weekends to report on - good times to share, or needs us to worry for them. Anything to get the day rolling, and us exercising something (I think it may just be a finger exercise day, I tried and tried to get my brain up and it is absolutely refusing to go out in this weather.) I'll check back in later - Annette
  24. Sarah, I'm so sorry about your dad, I haven't lost a loved one so I cannot begin to know how you feel. There are a lot of members of this board that have lost loved ones though and they will be along to offer you some kind words and a shoulder. So many of us here just hate this dreaded disease - I hope as you look around you find some words of comfort here - Annette
  25. Honestly - I stayed up late and slept in so I'm just checking to see what's going on. I'm a little jealous Judy - laughfest sounds like so very much fun. I loved that show (Whose line is it anyway - not a real big Drew Carey fan but the others did most of the work.) Bill Cosby the other night - so much good material. We had a good evening here playing with the Playstation3 the guys playing some new game and taking turns. A successful weekend as far as this side of the family. I would have slept later but my mom called and woke me up with questions because she can't seem to remember what appointment is when for the nephew and if she misses any there will be big trouble. I invited her over to dinner and will try to maintain my cool long enough to get through that. We went over there to work on painting the wall in the kids room and had a little tussle over me not being willing to carry her laundry basket for her - she has to depend on herself to get the kid back. So then it was what did you wash my clothes with while I was in the hospital....oh my..... I took your hypoallergenic stuff and used it....oh well then I don't know what smells funny.....and with all that is good in me I chose not to say - your shower is located at the other end of your bedroom...sigh. Now I am home relaxing waiting for the stuff we sprayed on the walls to dry (who knew how easy it is to make the walls bumpy - and you can even buy a can to do the old style ceilings too.) My dad is a painter and I can remember spraying the stuff up there and then painting it - what a nightmare. Oh my - I better close before I start sounding like Eric with my story telling. It's a little chilly here to be out and having fun - not that we could since the kid is on house arrest - but maybe if he behaves it won't be long. I'll check back and see if anyone has peeked in. Annette
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