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Posts posted by JaneC

  1. I have to add just one more thing about statistics (and I hope I don't offend anyone). The way I look at it is this - the odds are that none of us should have to be dealing with this disease. The statistics are that MOST people that smoke do NOT get lung cancer and even fewer people that don't smoke will get cancer and yet here we all are. Therefore, in my mind, the statistics have very little to do with what is actually going to happen to me. This may be denial but it usually works for me :wink: .


  2. It sounds like your dad is really coming through for your mom. That's one thing about cancer - it really stinks most of the time but then there are some wonderful that can come because of it, too.

    Praying for the best for your mom, dad and all of you.


  3. Ray,

    I just had a thought . . . Did they stop your Decadron all at once or did they taper it down? If they stopped it abruptly, that could be enough to really make you feel very, very crappy. I'm just wondering if that could be the cause of you not feeling well and maybe not the Ritalin.

    Just a thought-


  4. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Dean, Happy Birthday to you! (you're so lucky you don't actually have to hear me sing this - it's waaaay better to just read it and imagine it being sung by your favorite female singer) :D:D:D


  5. I agree that the consistently long waits (1 hour or more) are disrespectful. If it's a continual problem, the scheduling should be adjusted and I'm a big believer in letters to administration to get things changed. I work in a diabetes clinic and I know the doctors often have little control over the scheduling but it's when patients complain (to the right people) that's when things get done.

    My favorite incident at the oncology clinic was when the doctor came in and said "Oh, I'm glad to see a smiling face. I was starting to get depressed with all of the sad faces." What??!! I guess they never told him in medical school that people with cancer may get a little "down" sometimes. GRRRRR!

    Ok, now I've vented.


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