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cindi o'h

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Posts posted by cindi o'h

  1. Debi,

    Congrats, dear. You have earned, doubly earned, every good feeling that comes to you. What I like about you is that you stop to appreciate even the small things; things that we usually take for granted.

    Thanks again for the encouragement. I am so happy that there is life after dx for you! Keep it up, Debi. I am really proud of you!


    Cindi o'h

  2. Maryanne, girlfriend,

    Your post just brought me to tears. Honey. You and Joel both just reinspired me. I needed that. I have been feeling all boohoo lately about other stuff.... not cancer stuff but I suppose consequences of the change. Anyway. I needed to hear some real-life hope. You inspired me today. Thanks for the ignite. You two rock.

    Cindi o'h

  3. Hi again Valorie.

    Does sound like you got kicked in the rear with the Hep treatment. One friend went through the treatment for a year like you. Never before had he ever experienced clinical depression, but for some reason, he was hit with it during his treatment. He said he then understood and felt compassion for those people who lived in a chronic depressive state.

    I just want you to know that I talked with my family phys. last Friday about antidepressants. He told me that some of them (depending on the one) you have to start slowly and then build up to a certain dose. He then mentioned that others can be stopped abruptly while others do require a "weaning" off period. He said there were certain ones that needed to be taken by the clock and a dose not missed. Some are even geared toward compulsivity. I think if you were to make an app't with a doctor who is knowledgeable and understanding you could find someone who might be able to help in this area should you find yourself in need.

    I had an internist who did not prescribe anti-depressants. She said she didn't know that much about them, so she was uncomfortable prescribing them. Instead, she referred me to a nurse practitioner. (I went to her and without even opening my mouth, she wrote a prescription for an antidepressant)

    I have every confidence in my good and kind doctor who I now use. He is a good listener and smart with helping to meet my needs.

    By the way, we can all probably relate to getting pooped from a shower. Very good luck to you in your recovery and getting your old body back. She will come. Just give her time to heal.

    Cindi o'h

  4. Hi Valerie,


    Bummer that you have had to go through all of what you have. Were you on Imuran? I understand that the treatment for Hep C can knock you down pretty hard, including emotions. With treatment, depression and anxiety levels running high are common, I have read and heard.

    Now you have to wait to find out what about your lung? Yikes!

    Is there any way you can think of to avert your mind away from going toward a lc diagnosis? Just the sincere "thought" of it scares a person badly. (caused me to curl up in a ball inside myself) It really does a person no good to dwell on a firm diagnosis when there isn't one to be had as yet. Please try really hard to reclaim your life before hepC and enjoy every waking moment healing from all that you have gone through. In other words, try to live in the day today and not in the future. It will be there for you to worry about when it gets here.

    Cindi o'h

  5. While I was in high school, one of the favorite debate themes was spending money on funding research of the outer limits (sending man to the moon) or spending money on cancer research and ultimately cure.

    Here we are 30 years(can you believe it?) later and we have yet to discover Martians or a cure for cancer.

    I feel...

    I don't know how I feel. Hopeless is the word, maybe.

    I feel disappointed, I guess. Will there EVER be a cure for cancer? With all the great minds and work done in this area, there seems to be no cure in sight.

    After listening to our high school debaters, I was on the side of cancer research and forgetting about the man in the moon. Would there be a global cancer cure if all the money that had been spent on space programs had been funneled into cancer research?

    Really, I don't think so.

    Cindi o'h

  6. God Has Kept Me Here for a Reason

    Repeat after me: God has kept me here for a reason. I survived because He has a plan for me. All my bad relationships, the addictions, the consequences, the bad credit, the repossessions, the death of my loved ones, the back-stabbing from my friends, the negative thoughts, or the lack of support; I made it because I am Blessed! I release and let go of all past hurts, misunderstandings and grudges because I am abundantly blessed! I recognize them as the illusions that they are, sent from the enemy to kill my spirit, steal my joy, and destroy my faith; for God is all there is. All else is a lie!

    Now give yourself a hug, wipe away your tears and walk in Victory!!!

    I love you but more importantly, God LOVES YOU best.

    Be blessed and know that you are one with the SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD!

    The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.


  7. Finally! After almost 4 years since treatment began, my cough is down to the tamest it has been. It rages and wanes constantly. It has a multiple personality disorder. Never know what is going to show up.

    If the coughing gets out of hand and keeps her up at night, if she starts to run a fever, if she has trouble breathing while lying down, if her sputum changes to disagreeable colors; these are reasons to call the doc. If she has had radiation within the last 6 months or so, she may have radiation pneumonitis which can spring up overnight and not show on yesterday's scans. It is a condition that can be deadly if left untreated, however, with proper medication, can be arrested.

    Good luck.

    Cindi o'h

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