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cindi o'h

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Posts posted by cindi o'h

  1. Hi Judy,

    Already love your grateful heart. Good going. And yes. Aren't these folks wonderful to put together this site for all of us!

    We can never be able to thank them enough.

    There are a few who are successfully surviving dual cancer diagnosis. Read on. You will find inspiration here and inspire the rest of us as well.


    Cindi o'h

  2. Hi again Aaron,

    Geez you remind me of me. When I was going through tx, I kept challenging my doctor to GIVE ME MORE! "Ha! You call that chemo? I'm tough. I can take it!" (then I wouldn't feel so hot) Next cycle, Ha! Give me more!

    Then toward the end after the accumulation, I raised the white flag... okay. That's enough. No more.

    As treatments go on, you may start to feel a little rugged around the gills, my tender sashimi.

    But, I will venture that when the 6 cycles are complete, that you can sit down and discuss if you want to do more.

    You're asking good questions.

    Cindi o'h

  3. Dawn,

    I am terribly sorry for your tremendous loss. I cannot believe how fast her decline.

    I am hoping that you are doing better. I know that this is still a rough time and the thoughts and emotions will continue to change faces. Many of us have gone through the same loss and welcome you and any help we can give.

    Cindi o'h

  4. Hi Debra,

    Great advice and support so far from the best who have experience with this. You are NOT alone. WE are with you the whole way. I am so glad that you found us. We will help with everything that we can.

    It is frightening at first. All of us will agree on that. But, with time, a good solid treatment plan and treatment, the fears are made less horrendous.

    I was diagnosed at Stage lllb inoperable too. That was 4 years ago, honey. And I just finished my anniversary of diagnosis. Since finishing chemo and radiation, I haven't had a recurrence. It can happen. If it can happen for one is can happen to more. I can tell you for sure that I am not the only survivor for stage lllb. There is plenty hope. Gather up all the knowledge that you can. By you coming here and looking for answers and encouragement, I believe you already have a leg up.

    Keep in good touch. We will help you.

    Cindi o'h

  5. Connie,

    I am sorry for all that you have been going through. I didn't know all of this. I knew you were short on breath, but I didn't know about all of the heart rigamarole.

    I think Mayo might be a good place for you to get to Connie. It is so darn close and if your ins. works there, why not?

    Heart and lung stuff is what I am going through also. It is so complicated and sure enough nothing to fool around with.

    I have read that there are just a few docs in the country who specialize in the funny goings on of long term cancer survivors. There is a calling for many more. We have our own unique set of problems that come with beating the beast. (if I can prematurely call myself among that group).

    Well, anyway. Mayo, Connie. They have the reputation.

    Wishing you nothing but a return to good and proper health.

    Cindi o'h

  6. Don,

    Frank Lamb says, "holy cow"! And I say watch out, because Don Wood can take that holy cow udderly places that only Don Wood can take it! Love your wit, Don. You are to all of us what all the above say. We all love you and I sure do thank you for all you do for us.

    Cindi o'h

  7. love your tag!

    sashimi is a favorite of mine! How did you get that moniker? ease up on the radish and that will also help with the burn!

    Goodness, Man, you will have to meet Frank Lamb! I think there is a contest for the prettiest head. Don't know who will take first place.

    Hang with us. We are quite a group! Welcome~

    Cindi o'h

  8. Annie-Roo!

    So happy for you! What a precious little thing! I'm so glad for ALL that you live so very close. You will be the best gramma! (too young to be a gramma though)


    Cindi o'h

  9. Well for crying out loud, Kasey! :P You don't need a flipping invitation to the Pub! It is party party party day and night.... All come! Geri's got the Mimosa's all ordered up! I just have to learn to make the fancy drinks. I have been so used to pouring Bud Lites from the tap lately~ and boiling up chocolate donuts! Frank, love your new dooo! Have so much to catch up on...looks like at least 10 pages of posts....Yikes!

    Geri, how in the heck do you make a pitcher of Mimosa's (and then I will double the recipe to make all of the board happy!)?

    Okay then....order on up, I'll mix your favorites! You still sitting on your stool Kasey? Good to see Joanie's back on hers and Rich too!


    Cindi o'h

  10. Pat,

    We are all still here for you every step of the way.

    Wore my "cloud socks" the other day. Comfy, Pat. You are so thoughtful and good.

    Prayers for your son, job, house and daily living/surviving/coping.


    Cindi o'h

  11. I went in on Sunday night. Still was not breathing well. Turns out it is my lungs and heart. They kept me through Weds. evening and treated me very well. Switched around some meds and hopefully that will help me on track. I have fluid around my heart (mod. am't. now) and left lung...(moderate).

    I fell hard on Friday and hurt my back. The CT scan showed a compression fracture in my spine. 5 years ago I had the strong bones of a 20 year old. With chemo, rad, and prednisone, they are porous. Have to watch it now... no more plunking down on precarious chairs without thoughtful consideration of the consequences.

    I was having much edema in my legs and feet and that is getting better. I am on Oxygen full time now.

    Still on high prednisone. Very bad asthma flare along with everything else. Should be off it in a week or so... (been very very yackity!)

    Still hanging in there and definitely still giving 'em hell-. Only way to GO!

    Cindi o'h

  12. Dangitall..

    I didn't get one either. But it sure does give me an idea.. I should advertise me, myself and I.

    "middle-aged overweight female in poor health looking for some studly rich handsome dude to rub my feet, snuggle and hold hands and anything else you want to pleasure me with. Just be careful, because if I get too excited, I can't breathe."

    Cindi o'h

  13. Get well soon, Rich!

    I am thinking for breakfast you had one slice of toast, promise margarine, a half cup of cornflakes, skim milk, 2 oz of egg beaters, with Mrs. Dash on the side, cup of decaf coffee, and 6 oz of apple juice.


    Cindi o'h

  14. Sharon,

    Congrats on being published. You are a great poster-girl!

    What about the woman with lung cancer who hot-air ballooned across Australia?

    Could you do something along those lines on the Gold Coast?.... Like strap yourself to the back of some dolphins, harnass them and standing, ride 'em bareback?

    Keep up the great work, Sharon.

    Cindi o'h

  15. Shar,

    Glad you got rid of the mange! I know what a pain in the (head) it has been for you.

    Congrats on the 19 months. hip hip for Tarceva. Without the side effects, I am sure it holds an even higher esteem for you. Now, if we can just figure out how to get you to be the covergirl for Tarceva/Oz!


    Cindi o'h

  16. Nov. 5th, 2002.

    Barely can I remember the physical feelings of the most numbing waves of shock that raced through my body. I hid in the tiniest deep and dark within myself until I could crawl out to slowly face the reality of what was before me.

    Miracles happen. Thanking God for all of the help I have received.

    God Bless us All.

    Cindi o'h

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