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Posts posted by MayFrog

  1. Wow, Cat!!

    Not too much I can add to all the wonderful advice you've been given about this unacceptable situation. Thank goodness the days of viewing doctors as omnipotent supreme beings is OVER!! This is YOUR life and kudos to you for taking control of it!!

    Also, I think having your "Irish" up can only be a good thing!!

    Hope all turns out well, I'll be looking forward to seeing what transpired.

    Sending good thoughts your way........Mary

  2. Dean,

    So good to "see" you again!! Sorry you're feelin' blechy, but, like you said, it's one more thing to hate about this disease.

    NYPD Blue, huh?......as for me, I'm gettin' caught up on all the Law & Order episodes..... :)

    Hope your strength rebounds and you're able to enjoy the outdoors and your cats ( I have 2, too!).

    Good thoughts to ya......Mary :)

  3. Hate mail? I would think most users of this board would have enough to worry about than sending nasty emails to a couple of wonderful people who have managed to bring us all together.......how ridiculous


  4. Jen,

    Hope all goes well today. When I was first dx'd, I was wheezing and short of breath. In fact, I went to the ER requesting an Xray thinking I had bronchitis or pneumonia...that's how they caught it. I had also been having some right chest pain with seemed to go right thru to my back. Once I started chemo....all those symptoms disappeared!!! I felt wonderful!! Except for a little nausea and fatigue from the Chemo, I was feeling better than I had for the past month or so!!

    Hope to hear from you......best of luck!!!! Mary :)

  5. Jen, I had liver mets when first dx'd.....after 2 cycles of chemo, they had shrunk by 1/2 if not more (and the one lesion seen on the adrenal gland is gone). SCLC likes to migrate from the lung to the liver, adrenal, bone and brain. These are common mets. Hopefully, your chemo regimen will kill off the mets in your liver.

    You have to be strong and be positive......Mary :)

  6. Hi Jen...

    I'm on the same combo, and my "combo" day usually takes about 8 hours....my premeds are taken by mouth (decadron, kytril, ativan)....then there's the IV of fluids....then the Cisplatin...Mannitol and Magnesium (for the kidneys)....then the VP-16......on my VP-16 only days, it takes about and hour for the infusion itself.......not too bad.

    Here's wishing you well....Mary :)

  7. Elaine,

    Sorry you're not feeling well. Crackles usually mean fluid, and that usually does mean pneumonia if left unattended. What was the Keflex originally prescribed for?

    I'd be fuming that my doc didn't call back...i don't know if i could relax over the weekend without knowing if I needed stronger meds

    Hope all works out for you....sorry i don't have an answer


  8. Cat,

    You are NOT dead....you are NOT a statistic. Don't blame you for being severely stressed over this mis-diagnosis mess. You seem to be handling it well though...good for you to have all your facts and figures right on the tip of your tongue....don't let your Onc backpedal.

    Seems like this dx is being seen more and more....I noticed a newbie on the welcome forum today who was initially dx'd w/sclc and it was just changed to LCNEC.

    Have another Krispy Kreme on me....I'll be thinking of you....Mary

  9. Hi Addie,

    Glad you're on your way....hope everything works out well for you....for me, the side effects weren't as bad as I'd imagined.....hope the same goes for you!!

    I do the visualization thing too....picturing all these little "space invader" creatures fighting off the bad cells....anything to get through!

    Good Luck! Mary

  10. Hi...I usually post on the SCLC and General Boards, but wanted to share this with everyone I could!

    Just wanted to share the good news I received this morning! I had a CT done Monday (it's halfway thru my chemo, i've had 2 rounds so far, 2 to go).....results are very encouraging!! This waiting game has been horrid....I think it's been the worst few days i've had since my initial dx....not knowing is a b***h!!

    Let's see..."marked decrease in all previously described lymphadenopathy; lung tumors have shrunk from 3.2x5.1 to 1.7x3.0 and 3.5x3.0 to 2.1 x1.2; all lesions on liver have shrunk, one from 4.0 to 1.5; my adrenal gland is clear, the nodule is gone. No evidence of NEW disease."

    Needless to say....i'm a happy camper!!

    I'm gonna keep fighting the good fight and keep this beast at bay!!

    Thanks to everyone for their support.....this board has meant more to me than you'll ever know!!

    Mary :)

  11. How awesome for you Dave!! Congrats and best wishes for many, many more such anniversaries!!

    Keep on keepin' on with whatever you're doing....it's working!! Traditional therapies be da**ed......!

    Mary :)

  12. Just wanted to share the good news I received this morning! I had a CT done Monday (it's halfway thru my chemo, i've had 2 rounds so far, 2 to go).....results are very encouraging!! This waiting game has been horrid....I think it's been the worst few days i've had since my initial dx....not knowing is a b***h!!

    Let's see..."marked decrease in all previously described lymphadenopathy; lung tumors have shrunk from 3.2x5.1 to 1.7x3.0 and 3.5x3.0 to 2.1 x1.2; all lesions on liver have shrunk, one from 4.0 to 1.5; my adrenal gland is clear, the nodule is gone. No evidence of NEW disease."

    Needless to say....i'm a happy camper!!

    I'm gonna keep fighting the good fight and keep this beast at bay!!

    Thanks to everyone for their support.....this board has meant more to me than you'll ever know!!

    Mary :)

  13. Hi Joyce,

    So sorry we have to meet this way, but so glad we did!

    I can relate to almost everything in your post. I just had my first CT after starting chemo, and will hear the results tomorrow. Not knowing whether this treatment is being effective or not is just a nightmare. This has been the worst time I've had since my initial dx in April. I, too, worry about my kids....and at times let sadness and despair take over and start thinking of all the things I would be missing, instead of concentrating on the here and now and appreciating all the things i'm NOT missing. It's only human to think of the worst, but we can't....we musn't...dwell on it. A good cry helps me so much....it's cleansing.

    Hearing that word "terminal" (especially from a so-called professional) is a shock to the system, even if we know it applies. It is not a term to be bandied about lightly....this nurse does need to hear that it is unacceptable...I'm a former nurse myself, and I know many in my profession don't have the common sense or tact of a stick of gum.

    At first, I also had a few docs who were very negative and resigned to a bad outcome....I dismissed them from my mind. I am very lucky to have an oncology team of wonderful, upbeat and optimistic docs and nurses on my side now...and I am a "free care" patient, as I was unemployed at the time of my dx and had/have no insurance. I guess I'm lucky living in Boston, where there is no shortage of great medical care, no matter your financial circumstance. A few who posted gave great advice as far as finding a new onc and new support system....take their advice....call around, make noise, be a squeaky wheel......this is your LIFE.....take control of it.

    In the meantime, I'd go with the Taxol despite the pessimism voiced by your current doc. Push for the Iressa if that's what you want. Don't let numbers and statistics guide your decision.

    Keep us posted....keep the faith. Good thoughts going out to you....bless you and your kids.....Mary

  14. Jack,

    This Big City Yankee agrees with your way of thinkin' 100%!

    Greed and Corporate Sponsorship seem to be the way of the world today.

    We "little people" need to band together so our voices are heard. Judging by the voices heard on this forum alone, we're gettin' LOUD....and that's a darn GOOD thing!


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