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Posts posted by MayFrog

  1. Becky,

    I know this response is a tad late......but just wanted to say what a freakin' boring world this would be if everyone had the same opinion, same perspective, same outlook.......

    You're a breath of fresh air....always look forward to your posts.

    Mary :)

  2. Hi Didier,

    Sorry for the news about your dad.

    I never liked MS Contin, either....had it when I had back surgery and when I was dx'd this spring. It didn't seem to alleviate the pain, and did make me a bit foggier that I usually am.

    I find that plain old Percocet keeps the pain at bay. Trick is to take it every 4 hours so the pain doesn't get a chance to build. In the beginning, your dad may feel a little foggy, but after a day or two the body adjusts.

    Good luck.......Mary :)

  3. What a cool question!!

    Title: Life is Beautiful (well, ugly at times but beautiful none the less!)

    Me: Meryl Streep (looks nothing like me but I think she's a wonderful actress)

    Hubby: Nicholas Cage (there is a SLIGHT resemblance)

    Son Tim: Jim Carrey (they're cut from the same cloth, although I really can't picture Jim Carrey on a submarine....but then again, I didn't think

    Tim could do it, either....lol)

    Son Pat: Orlando Bloom (he's sooooo cute....especially with elf ears)

    Son Matthew: hmmmmmm....Elijah Wood?

    Daughter Bridget: the girl who plays Hermione in the Harry Potter movies

    Mom (and her identical twin Ann--I have 2 moms!): Shirley McLaine

    Dad: Raymond Burr (isn't he dead, though? :oops: )

  4. Tiny,

    How awesome!! Made me think of my friend's mom who celebrated her 85th birthday with a hot-air balloon ride!!

    My cousins families and mine all get together every year...about 20 in all, we rent a big house or a couple of cottages....try different locations...Cape Cod; Ocean City, MD; This year it's Lake Winnepesaukee in NH. Going next week and can't wait.

    But I have to tell ya.....our most adventurous thing to date has been seeing who can build the tallest pyramid of beer cans!!!! Just kiddin'...but I'm gonna show them your list and maybe shame them into parasailing or something...... :D

    Way to go!!!!! Mary

  5. Personally, I'd rather choke to death on a piece of rich chocolate cake than a sprig of broccoli/... Snowflake, I'll second and third that!!!


    I don't think there's a right and wrong answer here...people deal with their disease in very individual ways...whatever seems to work for them. I admit, I'm not into severe diet changes or herbal/organic supplements; and I believe that any type of exercise is important no matter what you're state of health is.

    I'm a strong believer in mind over matter.....and that positive energy and outlook are a BIG factor in my disease process. That's MY way of dealing with it. I'm not blaming anyone for my disease, and I'm not sitting back and waiting for someone to "cure" me, either. I'm just living my life as best I can while this monkey's on my back.

    I grew up in a household of smokers.....and our diets were sinfully rich in butter, eggs, red meat, refined sugar, etc., etc. Not ONE of my close relatives ever developed any type of cancer or heart disease.....except for me.....why???....I have no clue, but I do believe that there is an LC gene, and I was (lucky?) enough to get the dominant gene.

    One thing that struck me in one of your posts was the mention of younger people and LC....and the possible cause. It made me think of just how many children these days have asthma, especially those in urban areas....seems like every other kid has an inhaler these days. Seems an easy jump to look at environmental causes.....not just second hand smoke, but pollution, etc.

    Sorry to ramble, but this was a thought provoking thread.....had to get some of my thoughts out of this chemo-raddled brain of mine.

    Good luck in your fight.....no matter what the cause, we're in this together.


  6. Jane,

    Oh hon, I hope you find what you're looking for this week...if ever anyone needed some "me" time, it's you!

    With every one of your posts, I could feel the bond between you and your brother...you're very special and he was blessed to have you.

    And now, I still get a smile when I see your name beside a post....because I know I'm going to read a message of sincere hope and encouragement.

    I can understand that you need a break from this board......I just hope it's not a permanent one :cry: You would be terribly missed; but you must do what feels right to you.

    Thanks for being here.......Mary :)

  7. bean-si.....so glad you're safe & sound. Saw footage of Punta Gorda this AM--what devastation! Those poor people.....

    My son's in Camp LeJeune....should be feeling some of Charley's effect today.....by the time it gets up my way it should just be a tropical depression....

    Glad to hear from you........Mary

  8. Absolutely loved your story!!

    My husband and I were married back in the early80's.....had 2 sons....my husband just wasn't ready to be a steady dad/husband, and we divorced in 85. We lived in the same neighborhood, and for the next 10 years we absolutely did not speak to each other....if I saw him on the street, I would actually get whiplash from turning my head away as fast as I could (except for the one time I was driving and saw him crossing the street...it took all my strength not to run the b*****d over!!).

    I remarried, had two more children, but that marriage also ended in divorce....i was too busy trying to find someone who was everything my ex was not, that I somehow missed the fact that my 2nd was an emotional basket-case........ah, well.

    Well, I had heard from mutual friends that my 1st ex had really started down the straight and narrow path, and wanted to have a relationship with his sons. In 94, we started talking.....things progressed beautifully ( a leopard CAN change its spots!)......and we've been together ever since.

    He is caring, loving, steadfast and true......nothing means more to him than his family (and that includes my two youngest....he'd move the world for them if he could). Since my dx, I've thanked my lucky stars that he is the one i'm blessed to be with....i can't imagine anyone else being as supportive as he has been. I'm one lucky lady!

    Stranger things may happen......but I'm glad for me and your mom that our "true loves" are here beside us!!

    Good thoughts to you all.........Mary :)

  9. Welcome, Joanne!

    So sorry you and your mom are going thru this hellish mess. I truly hope things get better. Depression goes hand in hand with this dx; please, please make sure your mom gets some meds for this....it really helps. I was never a believer in better living thru chemistry....till now!!

    Hopefully, your family will settle down once your mom is stabilized.....it's such a scary and frustrating time for all of you. Having a 2-year old and a baby on the way is stressful enough without adding to it.

    I hope you visit often.....you've found the best place to be when you have questions, doubts, fears, etc......there's always someone who has been there, done that and can talk you through.

    Best wishes to you all.......Mary :)

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