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Everything posted by renee_ky

  1. Thank you all very much for your thoughts and prayers. Scott is not feeling any better today. On top of the aches and pains, his stomach is upset/sour, he is taking nexium.. Hopefully that will help! I think his upset stomach "might" have a little to do with our AC going out yesterday. Neither of us could sleep well last night because it was so hot. We did not realize until 3:00 AM that our AC was out, so we did not do a whole lot about it. Once I got up and turned the thermostat to 71 and it still did not cool, I realized there must have been a problem. I got up and checked it, and found it not working at all. It will be fixed Tuesday, thank God! But, until then, we have all of the windows open and several fans on, so we will be comfortable enough until Tuesday. Scott has not wanted to eat much today, just laying around and moaning a lot, he can not get comfortable. The good news is, we have had a lot of company the last 2 days, he enjoys that. He will not let anyone besides me do anything for him, usually. But, a very good friend of ours, Gary, has been coming over and giving him massages. He will not turn that down, from anyone! Again, that you all for your prayers! And, my prayers are with ALL of you. Renee
  2. Good luck to you Bruce. Enjoy your break. Will be praying for ya!! Renee
  3. Praying for your family, I hope Iressa works! Renee
  4. Glad to hear he is feeling better!! Prayers will continue. Renee
  5. I wanna play, I wanna play! I need to lose some weight too. This will be good motivation! Renee
  6. renee_ky

    May I go now?

    I found this on a website and thought I would share, it is beautiful. May I go now? May I go now? Do you think the time is right? May I say goodbye to pain filled days and endless lonely nights? I lived my life and done my best, an example I've tried to be. So can I take that step beyond the light and set my spirit free? I didn't want to go at first, I fought with all my might. But something seems to draw me now to that warm and loving light. I want to go, I really do, it's difficult to stay. But I will try as best I can to live just one more day. To give you time to care for me and share your love and fears. I know you're sad and are afraid, because I see your tears. I'll not be far, I promise that, and I hope you'll always know. That my spirit will be close to you Where ever you may go. Thank you so for loving me and know that I love you too. That's why it's hard to say goodbye and end this life with you. So hold me now just one more time and let me hear you say, "Because you care so much for me, you'll let me go today.
  7. I know how you feel. Scott was in the hospital fighting for his life on our anniversary. And then, I knew it would be our last. He is still with me now, but I doubt he will be with me for the next. That is, if teh doctors are right. We have been married only 4 years. We were the best of friends for 10 years before we married, and we still are. Renee
  8. We went to the oncologist today. Scott can not walk at all, he is in a wheel chair. Both of his legs have some type of injury/pain. He describes the pain as muscular and nerve pain. The doctor thinks it is possible that the cancer has spread to his lumbar and/or thoracic spine. We have an MRI scheduled to look at teh spine. They also scheduled CT scans of the chest abdomen and pelvis again. The Doctor is concerned about his liver, since it has now been over a month since he has had chemo. The doc said the mets in the liver have most likely increaed in size and number. Since they can not give Scott chemo, because his stomach has not healed from the radiation, they decided to go ahead and do radiation on the tumor in the Iliac (Pelvic area) to relieve the pain from this tumor. So, now we can just stress out and worry until all of these tests are done in September! The MRI of the spine will be done on August 26th. The CT scans will not be done until September, after the radiation has been completed on the Iliac. Renee
  9. renee_ky

    the 19th

    Abby- I can not even begin to imagine how you feel. I am sorry you are suffering so terribly. I am sorry your pain has consumed you and you can not find any good around you. I hope soon, you will be able to find some peace and comfort in knowing that he is no longer in pain. I know you can not make yourself stop hurting so bad. I hope God will lead you to some comfort and lighten your load. Listen for him, he will be there, but the door has to be open for him to enter. My prayers are with you! Renee[/i]
  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! God bless you in the morning, with his presence shining bright, And make the whole day happy with his radiant love and light. God bless you in the evening when the daytime hours depart, And- Like a benediction, leave his peace upon your heart. (I did not write this, but love it). GOD gave you this day as his gift to you Debi, please celebrate it. Renee
  11. Happy Birthday, please do celebrate. You have earned it! Renee
  12. Andrea- That is SOOO funny, thanks for sharing! It is something I would do. Renee
  13. Ginny- I am so sorry to hear of Earl's passing. My prayers are with you. Renee
  14. The only medication he is on right now is vicodin. There is a met in his right iliac, which makes me VERY concerned about the pelvis. Scott is insisting it is muscle. When only teh left side was hurting I agreed. About 1 hour ago he laughed and felt something pop on the right side, he does not knwo what it was. Now in addition to the pain i th elest hip area, the right side is hurting. The right side hurts from the base of the iliac (where the tumor is) all of the way down to his knee. I almost had him talked into letting me take him to the emergency room, but he suddenly decided that he did not want to do that. If it gets worse, I will have to call an ambulane, or a few friends to carry him, I can't! I guess now I am only venting. Sorry!! I am just very upset because I know it can be more than a pulled muscle. When he broke his rib I had to talk him into going to the ER because he insisted it was muscle then too. Before his hip broke (because of cancer) it took the hip BREAKING for him to go to the doctor, becaue he was sure it was muscle as well. This is how we found out he had cancer. OK.. I am done venting. Thanks! Renee
  15. Jane- I am so sorry to hear that your Dad, and your family has to suffer this. You are right, it is horrible and noone deserves it. I will pray and pray that this condition is temporary. Renee
  16. Bonnie- I just prayed and asked God to guide you, and help you make this decision. Praying for the best for you! Renee
  17. Hi Carleen- I am new here since you have been away. I am praying for you and your husband, I hope this new treatment works! Renee
  18. My husbands left hip was replaced in December, due to mets. This is actually how we found out he had cancer, his hip broke! The last 3 weeks his hip has been hurting, the doctors have looked at it, there is nothing wrong with the prosthesis itself. Per the doctor, the pain is being caused because of irritation, due to the prosthesis. We have tried many many different types of pillows (has to sleep with a pillow between knees, it is a hip rule). Have any of you had this? And do you have any suggestions? He can barely walk, and it is the major source of his pain right now. Thanks! Renee
  19. I am praying for you Betty. Glad they caught it early! Renee
  20. Cat- See the link below. it describes ways of preventing and coping with sleep paralysis. I am sorry you have to go through this, and especially alone. I wish I could help! http://watarts.uwaterloo.ca/~acheyne/prevent.html Renee
  21. I do not know anything about this, I accidently stumbled across this while searching the web for information on one of Scott's prescriptions. I thought someone might be able to benefit, wasn't sure. http://www.advancinglife.net
  22. renee_ky

    David A

    Like everyone else. I am very shocked, and very sad to hear David has passed on. But for him, happy he is now at peace and with our Lord. I am especially sorry that I do not know David, though I have truly enjoyed his sense of humor, he has a charachter that can not be matched. Your struggles have ended and glory has began for you David. Renee
  23. renee_ky

    David A

    Good luck David!! Hopefully by now, everyone there is astounded at how well you did today! Renee
  24. David- I hope and pray everything goes well tomorrow, I am sure it will! Cat is right, family does over react. I over react! My husband is constantly telling me "calm down, you worry too much". I will say a special prayer for you and your wife tonight. Renee
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