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Remembering Dave

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Hey Dave.

I sure am going to miss your stories from your hospital bed....whatever it was that they gave you, also made you write a pretty good tale...

Hope this chemo isn't as powerful as the last one. I know that the doc thought you were a macho guy from your camping trip adventures...but do you think that he could tune it down now just a little? Just a little??

Continued prayers for good workings your way Dave Karen Faith Becky and all.... Hi to justa...I been missin her.

Cindi o'h

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Glad to "hear" that you are home.

As a teacher, I have to concur--the darlin' little ones will get ya sick almost as fast as bein' in the hospital! :) I might recommend stayin' away from Faith's new paint! :lol:

Seriously, though, glad to read your posts and want you to know you are in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Melinda (and Geoff)

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