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Who has done some sort of memorializing?


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That's probably not even a word, but my sister and I are thinking of donating something tangible that would have her name on it, but aren't sure what to do. (Actually this was her idea, but I love it.)

We thought of putting something at a grocery store, but the store isn't doing to well and we're afraid it will be gone soon.

OK, wait... I know that sounds wierd, but let me explain, mom loved this grocery store. She went there every day... really... every day.

Then there's her place of work... but while she loved some of the people there, they really did her wrong for some time.

Anyway, I'd love to hear some of your ideas and things that you have done...

:) Tam

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When my aunt and cousin died we bought bricks in their honor that lined a path in the garden at the local residential hospice. You paid so much a brick and they engraved them. You could also buy a bench, birdfeeder etc and have your loved ones name on it.

When some members here have passed I have sent a contribution to LCSC in their honor.

Maybe a bench in front of the grocery store with a brass plate and her name and if they go under it can be moved to a local park or something???

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I have started two scholarships in Becky's memory: one at Trinity where we met, and another at SFASU where she was a professor. It is a way to help people out and at the same time honor her memory. But it is expensive. To be able to make an annual scholarship of $1000, you probably need a donation of $20,000. The one at Trinity is a bigger deal, but the math department there already had money they were planning for a new scholarship, and they were happy to name their scholarship after Becky. So that is another idea.


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My husband died 9-30-2004 at age 53. He was an avid reader as I am. I am donating money to have his name put on a gold plaque in memory of at our local library and also the money will go towards books of my choosing for my husband John. I have selected "Origins; fourteen billion years of cosmic evolution" as one book as John had taped the two part Nova on public tv but never got to watch it. I am still selecting the other titles. Carolyn

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I really like the idea of helping the library. Do you mind if I steal your idea? Dennis loved books. We owned a plumbing business and some of the guys we employed over the years were very immature. There was a young man that Dennis was determined to make something of. HE had this young man as his personal helper. Each time they would pass a library, Dennis would say...." See that building over there? It's filled with books. You need to read books." I think Dennis would really like to have books donated to the libraby in his memory.

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There is also another neat idea that I want to share. I believe that our Cathy, in memory of Tim, has done several things to make the waiting room at their hospital's cancer unit more comfortable. I really think this is a very special and well-needed idea, as both patients and families spend so much time waiting.

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Another way to "memorialize" your mom would be to donate some of your time to a worthy cause in an ongoing basis...so many hours per month. Maybe volunteer one morning or afternoon driving patients in need of ride to appt's etc.

Or volunteer to go to drugstore or pick up groceries. There are so many people who are trying to do this by themselves. You would reap the rewards deeply in your heart and your mom would be so proud of you girls.

Cindi o'h

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like the library book idea a lot, I will probably do that. So far I have made a donation to the local VFW and just asked that it be used to directly benefit a veteran. I am also thinking of making a donation to a medical clinic on a reservation, since Jim was a medic and he was really interested in Native American culture, same deal, don't use it for the building fund, buy some equiptment or supplies with it.

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  • 4 weeks later...


i love your grocery store idea but you are right that it would be sad if the store went out of business. you know i too thought of this too and called the american cancer society just to make a general inquiry. there are so many ways to set up funds in someone's name to help others.... i have no idea how much a minimum amount would be but maybe the american cancer society can talk to you further about it..... i also love the idea of helping to make waiting rooms more comfortable...

i think one of the most heartfelt things to do is to memoralize your dearest mother AND help someone else who is in need, to do both at the same time is a beautiful thing. i do not have any heirs no childen or nieces or nephews only stepkids who live with their mom out of state and who i love but are not close to (they are kids and well live far away and we get along but have not developed a very close bond, sadly, maybe one day)..... anyway i have thought about donating everything i own when I die to a fund of some sort in my father's name to help people purchase medications needed or something like that. or maybe a scholarship for childhood cancer survivors. The only stipulation is that they would have to read and KNOW a biography of my Dad and what he meant to us while he was here in this world...

good luck to you, please let us know what you decide and If i think of anything else i'll let you know!


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