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Hi my name is Renee, and about a year ago I found out my father had lung cancer. He has/is going through radiation and chemo. The tumor on his lung has strunk, but the cancer has spread to his hip bone, I was reading online some where that sometimes bone cancer is related to having chemo and or radiation on another part of your body. He is weak I know I can hear it in his voice when I speak with him. I'm sad today. :cry: You can never prepare yourself to much for the death of a love one, however you know that they will be in a better place. He is still smoking that in itself saddens me. There is no life insurance and when I first found out he was diagnosed with cancer I think I called every insurance agent in the world and they refuse a policy on him. I tell my mom just to go talk with funeral homes just to prepare herself and she doesn't want to. It seems as if I am more concerned than everyone. I am thinking of the big picture, the what if you know. I'm sorry everyone. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks for listening.

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I am very sorry about your father. You are right, you won't ever be prepared no matter how prepared you think you are. My father was ill for many years and when he went it was still such a shock.

Don't get ahead of yourself and worry about expenses. When the time comes it will all work out, just make arrangements that are within your means. Take care and keep us posted.


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Sorry to hear about your father. You have found a geat place to come for listeners and supporters. Don't get to ahead trying to plan the what if's. What if's are not good to live by because anything could happen anyday to any of us. Live for the moment. My mom also continues to smoke and I had a hard time accepting this. She does not smoke around me and she will lie to me about it, but I have learned that I know she smokes and I just leave it alone. She is still my mom. Well good luck and cherish everyday.

God Bless


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Lung cancer sucks and there is no way to prepare for someone to die or to prepare yourself to die. I have no advice.

I don't want to be nasty or morbid but since you mentioned it......I can tell you that I recently priced cremations and without the "urn" and no viewing or service or visting it's about $2500. Your in VA Beach, I'm in Richmond....I priced it at "Woody's" don't know if ya'll have any where your dad is but they are one of the more expensive places here in Richmond.

Hang in there and be strong! He could be around for a long time!

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Welcome, and glad you posted. Sorry about your dad. It is very common for lung cancer to spread to the bones. My wife originally had 5 areas around her body, and since has had several others occur. She has undergone chemo and radiation a number of times, with success. Hang in there. Don

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You are in the right place for support. I am sorry about your dad. As for expences, worry about that one later. I went and had my funeral planned within the month after I was diagnosed and it has now been more than 4 yrs. Also if he does well ----there are some ins co. that willl take you-no med questions BUT there is a 2 yr waiting period --if the person dies before the 2 yrs the family gets back the premiums paid in. Just not the amt of ins.

Good luck, also I lived in Norfolk for many yrs. I loved it out there.


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Thanks everyone for all of your replies of comfort. I know in my heart that he can out live us all, but I just wanted to be prepared as much as possible when and if that time ever came. I am the only one in our family that has a decent job, so I know that everyone will be looking at me for the bulk of the expense. He is on medicare or medicaid one of them now, my mom says that they help with stuff like that but I don't know. He is not the first in his immediate family that has succumb to this ugly thing. From my grandmother who is his mother to 3 sisters and 3 brothers that all have died from some form of Cancer. I don't think but one ever went through chemo and radiation though. I am hopeful though, right now they live in NC they have been there for many years moved there in my grandmother's home when she passed away. I try very hard not to let it get me down, and I have succeeded in doing that, but some days like yesterday I was on one of my days :roll: Again thanks for all the support. I will keep you posted.

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