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headed to Florida


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In about an hour, I will be headed out the door. To the bank, to daycare, to pick up my mom, a quick bite for lunch, and then off to the airport.

I have done a good job of compartmentalizing this trip on this side. I have been productive this week for school. Not as much as I would have liked, but better than I would have predicted honestly. And I will need to ramp it up another notch when I am home.

But from the time I get on the plane today until I get home on Saturday, I am going to immerse myself in the emotions of this trip. The grief, yes, but also the pride and the love and the sadness and the anger and the joy.

And then I will come home on Saturday and get back to work. Please keep me in your prayers the next couple of days.


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Hi Curtis,

Sorry I did not see your post. It kinda got lost in here.

Welcome home!!

I am so happy you are all went to Fla. to accept Becky's PHD. :mrgreen:

It will be such a momentous accasion, One that will live in your memories forever.

I pray you, Katie and your mom had a safe trip.

I know that Dr. Becky had watched the ceremony and shined her everlasting light on your souls. She was so proud that you are there to take her place. I know Katie was so proud of her mom.

She was a amazing women who accomplished so much in her short life, more than most people do in a long lifetime.

Congratulations Becky!!! You are a shinning star...who will always continue to shine through you and Katie.

Her title now is Dr. Angel. :D

Do tell us everything.


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Welcome home, Curtis.

I hope the weekend was a very special one and will provide you with wonderful memories for your lifetime. I am sure everyone was so proud of Becky.

We, here, are proud of Becky too. We are most proud of you, Curtis!


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