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Memorial Day

Connie B

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I love this holiday. My family has always gone to ALL the graves of extended family for many many many yrs. I remember doing it when I was little. My mom and grandma would make the floral pieces that go on the headstones and we would make the rounds on Fri or Sat before Memorial Day. I now fix the silk floral pieces and go with my kids, and other family members if they are around. I checked the mileage yesterday and it was 120 miles round trip.

We go to ones as far back as my Great Great Grandparents --all are on my mom's side. There are 8 all together. This yr I took pictures of all of the different cemeteries and graves and am going to put together a scapbook and memories from the trips. ALSO a map with directions. These are all out in the boonies. I fear after I am gone there will be nobody to do this unless they have directions.

That is my story and why I love this holiday.


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As you see I grew up on the east coast, Boston. At nearly every intersection a sign was put up that looked like a street sign but would say " John Wade Square" or " Michael O'Brian Square". On the corner across from my house the sign had the name of a boy who had grown up on my street who had died in the military during the Korean war. All the signs were servicemen who had died in service of their country. On Memorial Day all the signs had fresh flower wreaths put on them by the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization. Donna G

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Well, today is relatively quiet for us. We did have lunch with a good friend. The activity was actually Wednesday through Friday of last week. Our younger son, Randy, drove in from Dallas on Wednesday and went to the church with us for a meal and a church history class. Then Thursday morning, he and I went to look at cars. Yes, I decided to trade my 1998 Mazda Protege in for a 2005 Mazda 3, bright blue-purple color. I signed a contract, then we went to lunch with Lucie, and Randy and I went off to see "Star Wars III" -- we are both space buffs. Enjoyed that. In the evening, we met our daughter, Frances, for dinner -- the four of us. So it has been a good week. Best to all of you on this Memorial Day weekend -- good to remember all who have sacrificed to keep us free. Don

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Glad to hear Don, you and Lucie had a nice week. What more can you ask for but to have family around and all be together?

I really did not do anything. We were actually asked to go to 2 barbacues, but Joel had his 3rd chemo on Thurs, it kicked in Sat. night. His energy is zapped and his legs are in pain and it is now Monday. But it is getting better. One more treatment in June and he will be finished. :mrgreen:

I just been sitting on our porch, enjoying this absoluetly beautiful weather and reading a good book.

I did spend a couple of hours yesterday trying to buy an American Flag. The one we had ripped so bad we had to buried it. I forgot to buy another one. So when I realized I did not have a flag anymore (this was Sat.) :shock: I went to so many stores looking for a flag. There wasn't any that would fit my pole. :shock: I finally found one in Target,(my last place). So now it is flying proudly in my driveway. :lol:

I also said a prayer to all the veterans who have passed and all the ones who are in Iraq.

G-d speed they come home soon.

Also took time to say a special pray for Betty. I have this vision of her with her dancing feet up dancing there in heaven.

Take care all and Bless you all,


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