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Chemo Postponed


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Gary went to our pulmonary MD and he said Gary does have pnemonia.When gary was in the hospital at Moffitt One of the surgeons asst told me he had a touch of pneumonia but I didn't think much about that statement at the time. We called Moffitt last night for all of Gary's xrays and we also talked to that same asst and asked him why he was sent home without any meds for the pneumonia and he told us when Gary was released he showed no sign of any infection. Friday we are going to our ONC and show him the Xrays from moffitt and the curent xray and see what he thinks. Both our pulmonary doc and Moffitt said NO Chemo. Meanwhile Gary went back to work today and I hope he will come home early. This weekend he felt so good that he cleaned the pool and power steamed the deck and still felt great. Yesterday he started to feel weak again. I wonder why????

So no Chemo for awhile.I sure hope that even though they said they got all the cancer out some small cells are not growing that chemo could help right now.


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Lorrie, pneumonia can increase rapidly. When Lucie came down with pneumonia two years ago, her one lung was completely clear and the other had some fluid when we went to Emergency. The next morning that lung was filled, and the day after, the other lung was filled. So, it can happen rapidly.

Wishing you both the best. Don

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It must have been great to see Gary doing all that normal stuff! I know when I have been sick and start to feel better, it's easy to do a little too much and then pay for it the next day. Especially with anything that hinders the transfer of oxygen to your bloodstream - like pneumonia.

Any chance the doctor would see him this afternoon or tomorrow instead of waiting till Friday?


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Any chance the doctor would see him this afternoon or tomorrow instead of waiting till Friday?



Gary saw the pulmonary doc yesterday. He confirmed the pnemonia from the xray that we had done last week when he developed a slight fever.Our ONC was on vacation and his replacement ordered the x ray. She was not sure if it was pnemonia but just in case gave him meds for it. Goodthing. Our pulmonary doc told Gary he could go to work but to take it easy. I think we can wait to see our ONC until FRI. If not he is only 5 min away.


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