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A Hello ... long overdue

K and Kids

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I just wanted to check in and let you know that while I haven't been an active participant in this board lately, I have been coming to read every day. For one reason or another I can't find the words to post any reply worth a grain of salt or comforting in anyway. It is not that I don't think about all of you ... my prayers are always including the terrific people on this site. November 5th was the 1 year since my dad's death and I understand, now, why people say it is so hard the months and years afterwards. I miss him so much and find there are more and more moments when I need him and want so badly to hear his voice. I really don't think I have come to terms with all of this and don't really know if I ever will.

That aside, I just want you to know that you guys and girls are very special and incredible in so many ways. To Dear Addie, Pat and Brian, Beth and Bill,... my prayers are with you every day and I imagine great big, comforting hugs coming your way when you most need them. To the many other names belonging to all of you who supported my mom and me, I think of you and keep you in my prayers too.

Mom (Paddy) is currently in South Africa on a trip with her brother and sister-in-law. It is a part pleasure/part necessary trip. Mom's sister has not been doing well and they are trying to sort things out there. It is quite possible that this will be the last time the siblings (Mom and her sister)will see each other ... a sad thought. I have to say that Mom is doing very well, all things considered. She has settled into her new house better than we could have hoped but it is still difficult. I know you of all people understand about that.

Sorry for the long message. I just wanted to let you know that I am still here even if I am not posting.

Love and strength to you all,

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It was wonderful to read your post. Like touching base with an old familiar face!! I am glad to hear Mom is doing well. Sounds like she keeps very busy which is probably helping her immensely. I can't believe it has been a year since your Dad passed. My Dads anniversary is on Dec. 14th and I don't know where this past year has gone to. I too don't think I will ever get over Dads passing... The void is too great. I will pray things get easier for us both... Love Sharon

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Dear Karen,

Thank you for the update and I'm so happy to hear that Paddy is doing well, but sorry to hear she is going thru another difficult time in her life. I think of her so often and have wondered how she has settled into her new home. I'm glad you were able to let us know how you both are doing.

Thank you also for the prayers, we feel them from everyone every single day!


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