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Like I said my mom is dying with stage 4 lung cancer. What a nightmare this is. I don't think I can cope with this. She had cancer for almost 2 years she was on Iressa which at that time she already was stage 4 so that did prolong her life. It stopped working after 1.5 years later and then she was on Tarceva, a trial which I think made it worst then one traetment of Alimta and then it went down hill. But I never thought we would come to this. She is on 6 liter of oxygen per minute and she can barely move. How can you prepare for what's coming? I love my mom so much we are so closed and I feel like a part of me will go with her. But i can't fall apart I have two young kids to take care of. I don't know what to do. I will appriciate any advice that you can give me!

Thank you!


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Martha ,

I am so sorry you are going through this. Only thing I would advise you to do is accept and reach out and take any and all the help you can. If you don't have hospice, you might want to look into it. I don't personally have experience with them, but many here have said how helpful they can be. I will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.


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When I was 35, I lost my mother to bronchial cancer. It was the most heart wrenching time of my life. 18 months later, I lost my father to prostrate cancer. I felt as if my heart had been ripped from my chest...and stepped on. But Martha, I was there for them both and I would not change that for the world. I was able to tell them I loved them. They were able to tell me that they loved me and would see me again.

I had a young daughter ( she was 8 yrs. old at the time). She saw me crying and I explained as best as I could why I was so sad. You never get "over" it. You deal with it the best way you can. Even today, I will hear a certain song and cry. Something special will happen and I'll wish I could call and tell them. My grandson will get this "smirky look" on his face and it reminds me of my Dad. I just miss them. The loving doesn't stop. The missing them is always there. But - honestly- I know they are still with me. They would not want me to be sad. They would want me to enjoy my life and my family. I apologise for running on but I hope I have helped you just a little.

I pray for strength and peace for you and your family. My heart aches for you.

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