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Needing advice on Hospice


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I had a difficult weekend with my Dad. We started with hospice 2 weeks ago. There are only 2 in his area and I have spoken to both for months. One of them will not sign you on unless you have someone with the patient 24 hours a day(even though he is in an assisted living) they dont count that. So, I went with the other service and they have been very supportive on the phone.

On saturday when I got to my Dads(he lives 2hours from me)he was in terrible shape. Feeling terrible and very weak,SOB,and I called them. At first the on call nurse told me he was fine at their visit on Wed.I expained"he is not fine now" and needed a nurse to come and take alook. I was upset......this is hospice and patients change moment by moment. They finally did send the nurse who gave him ativan and ordered oxygen. I waited all Day for the oxygen and after 7 hours had my brother come over to wait. My Dad has improved and was feeling better. The oxygen company called him at 7pm and said they would be there at 11pm.......this had been ordered at 10am. I am very frustrated and worried...is this how it works? The oxygen finally arrived. This is the only hospice I have as an option.......should they have made sure the oxygen arrive?

I am trying very hard to not let the nurse in me take over because I really need the help, I am overwhelmed and unable to do this all my self. My concern is will they really be there for us when my Dad takes another bad turn? I plan to call the director whom I like very much and explain my concerns. Anyone else have these kinds of issues?

Thanks for listening


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Hi Nancy -

It should NOT be like that. Our hospice nurses were available 24/7 and we always had equipment or medication delievered within 1-2 hours. Please do call the director.

Did the ativan help with his breathing or anxiety?

Love as always,


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Our hospice nurse left several numbers. In case of emergency, we're to call the main desk and INSIST on speaking to the hospice nurse on call, she said. She also told us if there isn't a response in five minutes to call back and INSIST again (just in case we get a volunteer who isn't sure about what to do).

Everything we've been through so far tells me that hospice is 24/7 with little or no "requirements." I hope you are able to communicate with administration and let them know what's happening. It's unacceptable to experience that kind of discomfort.


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I would call and let them know. Recently I was sent home w/oxygen after surgery and not only did the hospital give me a tank to take on the ride home but the oxygen company was at my house already when I arrived 15 minutes later!

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Thank you everyone for your response. I had a long talk with the medical director and the hospice social worker and feel much better. There was a problem with the oxygen company and they all agreed it was unacceptable. I am feeling more confidant with this company.......I will keep on top of things

Thanks again


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