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Lucie Update 02/19

Don Wood

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Don and lucie...so very sorry to hear that our dear, sweet Lucie is having a tough time with this medication. I will be asking God to hold her hand tightly while going through this treatment.

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Don & Lucie,

I'm praying that this next round will be a little easier and that the fatigue will begin to subside a little.

So glad that you have the nausea under control too. I know how easy it is to say "I'm just not hungry" when feeling that way. Keep up the great work you two and we'll continue to look forward to the posts of good news comin'.

Warm Hugs,


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Hi Don... here's hoping the Alimta works for Lucie! Jim also experienced extreme fatigue with it last year (but not nausea). Is she taking any of the anti-nausea treatments (e.g., compazine, ativan, zofran)? Jim's red count also dropped dramatically on Alimta despite Aranesp... he was cold all the time and spent his days wrapped up in blankets and a winter coat. He had to have 2 transfusions of 2 units. Just make sure they are keeping a clost eye on that as it could be the reason for the fatigue. We will keep our fingers crossed that the Alimta is effective for Lucie! Sandy

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Dear Lucie and Don,

I was so glad when I saw that you posted an update on how things are going with Alimta for Lucie. I think of you both often.

It seems that the fatigue is part and parcel of this particular regimen for many.

So far, Bill has been finding that it occurs two days after treatment, and lasts for about four days. He had his second Alimta treatment last Wednesday.

He has experienced no naueea, as yet. Perhaps, the anti-nausea meds they give him on the day of treatment are helping? He also eats small amounts as snacks during the day which (who knows?) might help.

On some happy news, Bill's neck nodule has dimished greatly. I cannot discern it on looking, and it began doing so about a week or so after his first Alimta treatment.

The oncologist felt it and concurred with our perceptions. We will know more in future how this treatment is actually doing when CT scans are eventually taken.

Both of you are in my daily prayers, as are all on the LCSC Board. I may not visit here often to post, but I do try to read and keep up with reading the postings.

Sorry if this was long, but wanted to let you know that Bill is currently experiencing the same chemo regimen, and knowing how another is doing is sometimes helpful. I know it helps me to share.


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I've been wondering how Lucie was handling the treatment. I'm glad for the update!

It sounds as though she is doing pretty well with it, except for the fatigue and stomach problems. The fatigue cant be helped though it seems, thats par for the course I guess. I hope the stomach problems stay under control. How is her eating though? Is it effecting that at all?

My mom just got her 2nd treatment last Thursday. Her and Lucie are on a similiar schedule. My mom is holding up well. She got tired about 5 days after the treatment, but a different kind of tired than when she was on the Taxol. Now she gets 'sleepy' kinda. She is eating well and hasnt had much of an issue with stomach sickness. She had a little stomach upset which was stopped with the compazine thankfully

I have my fingers crossed that this chemo does the trick and is kind along the way!!!

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