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CEA Testing


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Carcinoembryonic Antigen

Tumor marker, CEA: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a protein found in many types of cells but associated with tumors and the developing fetus. CEA is tested in blood. The normal range is <2.5 ng/ml in an adult non-smoker and <5.0 ng/ml in a smoker. The CEA was one of the first oncofetal antigens to be described and exploited clinically. It is a complex glycoprotein of molecular weight 20,000, that is associated with the plasma membrane of tumor cells, from wich it may be released into the blood.

Although CEA was first indentified in colon cancer, an abnormal CEA blood level is specific neither for colon cancer nor for malignancy in general. Elevated CEA levels are found in a variety of cancers other than colonic, including pancreatic, gastric, lung, and breast. It is also detected in benign conditions including cirrhosis, inflamatory bowel disease, chronic lung disease, and pancreatitis. The CEA was found to be elevated in up to 19 percent of smokers and in 3 percent of a healthy control population. Thus, the test for CEA cannot substitute for a pathological diagnosis.

As a screening test, the CEA is also inadequate. Since cancer prevalence in a healthy population is low, an elevated CEA has an unacceptably low positive predictive value, with excess false positives. Also, since elevated CEA occurs in the advanced stage of incurable cancer but is low in the early, curable disease, the likelihood of a positive result affecting a patient's survival is diminished.

The CEA has been sugested as having prognostic value for patients with colon cancer. Preoperative CEA values have been positively correlated with stage and negatively correlated with disease free survival.

Although not satisfactory for screening a healthy population, CEA has been used to monitor recurrence. Early data suggested that CEA prededed clinical relapse by several months. Subsequently, several investigators have examined intensive, serial CEA monitoring as an indicator for second look surgery in the hope that relapse could be detected at a time when surgical ressection for cure was still possible. Criteria for reoperation included a significant rise of CEA above a base line level on serial determinations and absence of obvious unresectable disease on staging workup. Determinations of CEA should be done frequently: at a minimum of every 3 months and if possible every 1 month to 2 months. Elevations above baseline should be verified rapidly to exclude laboratory error.

The CEA is of some use as a monitor in treatment. Usually the CEA returns to normal within 1 to 2 months of surgery, but if it returns elevated persistent disease may be indicated. The test is not infallible in patients treated with radiotherapy and chemotherapy but can be useful in those whose tumor is not measurable.

The CEA is often positive in malignancies other than colonic. In cancer of the breast, lung, pancreas, stomach, and ovary the CEA may be elevated and can be used to monitor the progress of disease or response to treatement

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Karen, thanks for the info. My CEA has been normal through this whole thing. My surgeons say that my tumors didn't shed, so nothing in the blood stream. I have no way of knowing if the cancer is active til I have a ct scan

I wish a blood test could tell me if something is active. Let's get together soon.


Nancy B

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Telomerase which is a genetics Test. Generalized Link

http://health.info.com/search?qkw=Telom ... Telomerase

Specific link Technical


Might help but not sure?!For Now but still looking around

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