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Dad has small cell cancer in pancreas with mets to liver

Guest SSevern

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Guest SSevern

My father, age 71, was Dx with small cell cancer,liver mets in August '05. He had a biliary tract stent put in, and received 6 cycles of VP-16 etoposide and carboplatin. MRI showed marked improvement. At end of 6 wk break, MRI showed little if any cancer in pancreas (had 4 cm tumor at Dx), but liver had many tiny tumors throughout. Had 2 more treatments of VP-16 and carboplatin. had normal lifestyle during all of this. Only lately has fatigue increased (due to chemo, I think). Just got 3rd MRI results - some improvement but not dramatic. Switching to weekly Topotecan. Don't know if I should be posting on some other board. This cancer starting somewhere other than lungs, is very rare. Difficult to find others. Dad lives in PA, I live in CA. He sees local oncologist, had 2nd opinions at Johns Hopkins and Univ. of Penn. I've e-mailed an interventional radiologist regarding chemoembolization of the liver, or other liver-directed therapy. He seems to think he might have something to offer, but dad seems hesitant because his Dr. says none of it will work. Any suggestions? I've also suggested MD Anderson to dad, but again - he is hesitant.

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I don't really have any suggestions for you, other than to tell you that you have found the right place. This site is such a huge help and a huge support. I am a newbie myself, but have grown quite fond of the site. I will most certainly pray for your family. My dad was dx with SCLC also, and it is such a blow to the family...we are looking up though! I pray that you get the same news. We are seeking care at Mayo in MPLS. Best of luck!

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I am very sorry to hear about yoru father, but I do want to share with you that IF your father's cancer started elsewhere and NOT in the lung, then your father does NOT have lung cancer. His treatments may be very different then those of us with lung cancer. Somethings may be the same in some ways, but the over all picture of treatments will be different for him.

We may be able to offer you support, but as for helping you with treatments options or treatment idea's, we wouldn't be of much help being his cancer is not lung cancer. We may offer you the wrong information and we wouldn't want that to happen.

Best of luck to you and your dear father.

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Guest SSevern

Doctor said that it's the same type of cancer as SCLC, but you're right. It's not actually in the lungs. Chemo options for treatment are same as SCLC. Have been posting on a pancreatic cancer website, but noone there has same type of cancer. Just wondered if anyone had mets to liver and what treatment they were pursuing for it. Thank you everyone, for your kind words and especially your prayers. I wish you all the best.

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Is your fathers primary tumor Pancreatic Cancer? Did his cancer start in the pancreas? If so, then you really would not benefit from a lung cancer support group as to your dad's options for treatment ideas.

I totally understand that your trying very hard to find some answers for your fathers situation, and I so hope you will find some answers soon.

Please know, I am NOT chasing you away, but I really don't want you to get any misguided medical information. As I said before, your more then welcome to stay for support if you we can help in that area.

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And welcome.

I have heard of lung ca mets to other areas of the body while the original lung tumor is not to be seen. Remembering that these are tiny little cells, I can see how it would be possible.

A good pathologist would be of immense help. Apparently there is a superb pathologist at Mayo in Rochester, MN. When a difficult case is presented, it is my understanding that a stumped pathologist would send the slides to this doctor.

Welcome, again.

Cindi o'h

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