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morphine tablets work well

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My Dad has been in terrible pain these last three weeks. He was doing so well before, we were all but ignoring the mass in his lung. The pain and wasting desease came very suddenly.

He was given the official dianosis yesterday: adenocarcinoma, one med. mass and 2 nodes involved.

He was also given morphine tablets. Percocet was only just helping a little. Now that he pain has abated he is willing to eat!!! He is also walking and had his first shower since becoming so ill. He is also willing to talk about treatments. He and the Dr. agree sugery is not an option. He may still chose not to treat, but the decision will be more rational with out his desire to die to escape the pain.

His voice is no longer pinched and he does not flinch at every touch. It was so good to hear his normal voice and hold his hand.

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To know that your dad isn't in pain any more is such good news. I knew in my dads' final months, that was my biggest worry, I had promised him that I would make sure he wouldn't be in any pain. Luckily, his doctors took care of that, for me, at least it gave me some comfort in knowing that he wouldn't be in pain.

Take care...


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Hi, Gwen! Lucie takes 30mg MSContin (morphine) twice a day, which controls the pain very well in her spine. That is where the main mass was, and it caused spinal damage. But she is very lucky that only her left hand was affected. She can use it but it is less effective. When we first went to her onc, he said the first order of business was to control the pain, and that he has done very well for her. Best to your dad. Don

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