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Howdy Doody


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So, I've been diagnosed with SCLC, which came as no surprise considering the symptoms. Now, had I been single my response to this wonderful news would have been to throw on a Coldplay CD, put my feet up and smoke myself into oblivion with a beaming smile on my face. Think I'm kidding? I'm not.

But damn it, I have a responsibility to all the people in my life that actually care about me -- so the pathetic scenario mentioned above will have to go to hell. Instead, I had no option but to enter the realm of my worst nightmare and stare reality in the face. So here I am in what I can only describe as a medical maelstrom ... but heck, at least I'm getting treatment. But will the treatment work? Who the hell knows. What I do know is that by opting for treatment I'm flying on a little more than just a wing and a prayer.

Thanks to my wife, Teri, who has taken on the mammoth task of organizing everything on my behalf --I couldn't organize the alphabet -- I'm now on my my second round of chemotherapy and, get this ... still alive and kicking. However, I have to say I'm not sure if it's worse having this disease or being a spouse/sister/brother/etc. who has to live with it. I guess none of us will really know the answer to that question, but my hat's off to all those out there who are in my wife's position.

Never lose sight of the fact that anything is beatable, regardless of what the doctors may say ... and from my own personal experience, I have to conclude that some of these doctors need to go back to school :wink:

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Welcome to you bware!!!!!! I agree with you about the 'others' caring for us having quite a job to do. My husband has been my fortress in the storm......so to speak.

Sounds as if you (or your wife) have things under some control as far as tx goes. When you have time, how about providing us with a Profile. Under our names you find info concerning tx, timeline, etc. There are MANY SCLC folks here who can arm you with hope and their expertise. It is helpful to them if you can include some background.

I admire the fact that, in the face of your dx, you can still make others (ME) smile :lol: . Hope you stay here to walk this walk with us.


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Welcome to our support family.There are many here that can help you and your wife along the way.A good care giver is very important in this fight.

As you read many of the others profiles below their posts you will notice many of us have well surpassed our given time here according to many doctors.

In my case all the treatments have been well worth while as they have given me much more time than anyone had any hopes of.SCLC also has a reputation of being more aggressive type of cancer but also has a better results with treatments.

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You're right - saying with certainty which role is more difficult, patient or family member, is probably not possible. (My guess is that both are unnecessarily difficult if you are out there on your own.) Regardless, at least you have found a "place" here that you can dive into as needed, and get a little sustenance, information, and fellowship. Wishing for the very best for you.

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