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Daddy in is ICU

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Just to update everyone, Daddy had been doing remarkably well. He had driven twice this week, and went to his favorite steakhouse for a nice juicy ribeye and baked potatoe. The chemo is going fantastic, no side effects except a little acheness and soreness on the second day after.

Well, I guess all good things muct come to an end. He had a stroke last night and is in the ICU. He also has RSV and Pneumonia. He is in ICU and I am here in Japan. The nurses are being great and are letting me call every few hours to check his status, and they have held the phone for me to talk to him a couple of times.

Just wanted to update.

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Sorry to hear this news right now before the holidays. Take comfort in knowing that there is nopl,ace like the hospital some times for the body to regroup and regain strength. My dad was in ICU for 3 weeks after complications from knee surgery. All body functions had basically stopped working completely and he is fime now. Your dad needs a little time and he will be ok.

Sending prayers and peace. glad the nurses are helping you out. and hope he recovers fully and soon. please keep us posted.

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