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Feels like 'bubbling'?


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Great news that the chest x-ray came back good. Also great to see your mom trying to work, I find it good for the soul. I've been back to work as many days as I can get there. My problem is exercise..I'm not walking and I need to, I commend your mom for sticking to that.


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Thank you everyone for your thoughts.

The hair started falling out really bad this week so last night she had it shaved. She cried at first but this morning, she was laughing about it. We're calling her Buddha.

Lilly, we all hate exercise, too. And we love to eat - which is a bad combination. Mom's surgeon actually came in and really got onto her at the hospital about walking, right in front of family and visitors, so it embarrassed her really badly but she has been faithful in walking since then. It gives her a sense of achievement and the progress she sees lets her know that she is beating this thing. I'm the last person to preach at anyone else to exercise, but start out slow and build up and YOU will feel better. I'm glad to hear from you. You've been in my prayers everyday.

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