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I completed several sessions of chemo, and had a pretty rough time of it- pretty bad nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

I had one treatment a week for several weeks and then 3 in a row this past week. The onc changed my treatment to a new kind of chemical, and on Friday, also gave me a shot for white blood cells.

I am having really bad bone pain, like spasms of pain that catch and hold me until they pass. They wake me up at night also.

I am scheduled for getting marked next week for radiation, and I am concerned about the side effects.

Can anyone please tell me if you have had this type of pain, and if you had radiation what happened then. The onc referred me to a radiologist who will treat me for six weeks, 5 days a week, for about 15 min per treatment.



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The bone pain could be from the Neulasta/Neupogen for your white blood cells. It is a common side-effect. Praying that it passes and you are feeling better soon...ready to continue the fighting with radiation. Make sure you get the magic mouthwash to help with eating after the radiation treatments are underway. Blessings!

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Hi Barb: our onc explained that white blood cells are made in the marrow of the bones, especially the long bones of the body (legs) and that after a shot bone pain is very common. I think it means that your body is making new white cells. Good Luck & God Bless


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My bones and joints hurt also. My Onc. did lower my WBC shot to half since it did not make me feel as bad but this time I have had bad effects. It has been a week today since chemo and my joints and bones still hurt. I am usually over it by the 4th or 5th day.

Radiation I think depends on where they are hitting you at. Mine was over my esophagus so I had a hard time swallowing but it took about 3 weeks to get that way. It made me a little tired but other than that it was ok. I know my treatment is different but thought it may help. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Barb, if it's any comfort to you, I have had aches, pains, hitches, glitches and soreness in every joint, bone, muscle, follicle and organ in and on my body. I've also had diarrhea I thought would do me in followed by constipation I would have paid to trade for having the diarrhea back.

My esophagus was so dilated from the radiation scarring they had to use the tiniest tool they had in the shop just to open up a hole big enough to get their tiniest scope in. I still have to take itty-bitty bites of food and chew them until they're near liquid just to get them down.

I've had dreams that would be Oscar winners if I could have remembered any of the scripts and nightmares that would scare Dracula. I've had hallucinations like a special effects movie and seen colors and shapes I can't describe.

I've done the vertigo, the coughing up blood and/or tumor specimens, Shortness of Breath, (SOB), perpetual weariness and optical migraines. I've had white hair, no hair, dark hair and now, mousy brown thinning hair. My memory is shot and I think most of my organs are too. What few teeth I had left are now memories and I can get tired out planning a trip to the mailbox. And I can tell how well my Epogen and blood counts are doing by how long it takes me to get to that mailbox and back

It has taken a few years for my taste buds and appetite to come back but they have. The money I used to blow on cigarettes easily pays the freight for a couple Filet Mignon's every week or so and I've even sunken to buying wine by the box just so I don't run out.

But, I still do a couple radio spots each week doing local news , gossip and PSA's. On occasion, I also fill in doing general interest columns for the local newspaper. And I recently volunteered to work as road and street committee chairman supporting the town council.

I still enjoy shooting and hunting and those sorts of things although we've really slowed down in that arena. We sold our boat because it got to be a pain but, eventually, everybody figures that out, boats are a pain in the butt.

However, given my sad story, you should keep in mind that I'm still here and I'm still telling it.

This trip ain't easy and it ain't fun but it is an adventure.

Be strong and have faith.


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