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Looking for info...

Guest epatton

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Guest epatton

My doctor just told me that there was a small nodule on my lung. It showed in a chest xray and he is sending me for a CT scan next week. I knew when he told me about it that it was not good but did not know enough to ask questions until I did some research. I called back to ask some questions but only got "generic" answers. He didn't tell me how big it was only that it was small.

I don't know which is worse the thought that I might actually have cancer or the not knowing for sure. From my research my best guess is that I have a 50% chance of having cancer and if so the best case scenario is that I have a 50% chance of surviving 5 years.

I'm scared to death and looking for any solid info that I can get my hands on. Will post results next week and would appreciate any prayers that I can get.

Thanks in advance.

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The CT is part of the journey, but don't get too uptight . You really don't know what it is until they decide to biopsy it. Sounds like if it is Cancer that it is early which means they can make a plan for you. Hope it is a scar or if you have had a flu lately maybe even just a lymph node. Let us know how the CT comes out and if further testing is warranted.

Donna G

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don't worry too much at this moment, CT Scan is the more further test on the suspicious "thing", after CT Scan, if doctors still suspect this is cancer, they will do the biospy/bronochospy for checking the cell whether this is cancerous, CT scan just only tells the size and location of that "thing", but it is not a MUST equal to Cancer. Take it easy first. :)

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