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Cancer rears its ugly head again


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not lung cancer this time but pancreatic cancer. A family friend was dx with this last june. first they gave her about 4-6 months. Then they said she wouldnt make it till X-mas . When my mom was sick we didnt let her know that Judy was doing so poorly because we didnt want her to get down and feel like she was fighting a losing battle so we always just said that she was hanging in and fighting hard. Well we got the call yesterday that she would be gone soon and she passed away early this morning. Today is my parents aniversary and Dad has decided that he wants us 3 girls with him at Good Friday services and then we will go out to dinner so that will be good as we will all be together (again.. in our sadness). I am so sick of crying and being sad(how can there be any tears left?). I am so sick of CANCER. Why is that we never hear of the "bad guys" dying of cancer it seems to be the good, kind and loving people and why in this time of medical advances when we can instantly talk to or visit or buy or find anything with a click of a mouse can we not find a cure for cancer? I guess that this just tells me that I am doing the right thing by doing the Relay for Life. I have been thinking alot about Roads to recovery and volunteering with the cancer society so I guess this is another push to do that cuz maybe I can help someone ease someones pain when this sucky, crappy, good for nothing disease strikes again. I hope that I am strong enough to make a differance. I am comforted by the fact that my mom will be in heaven waiting for Judy. Since Judy was like another daughter to her then Mom can get back to doing what she does best...mothering. Oh well.. sorry about ranting and raving

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