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My mom just completed her first round of Alimta/Cisplatin for stage II mesothelioma. She is recovering from her thoracotomy and what a double whammy to have to have chemo on top of already being weak from surgery. The oncologist says that radiation isn't an option due to her cancer circling her chest cavity and the proximity to her lung and heart. We are hopeful that chemo will be successful but just wondering the reality of what's next if this doesn't work. Mom did great and is feeling well so far. A bit of tingling in her hands and feet but no nausea yet. She is trying to be so strong and fight this battle with grace! I am so very proud of her!



Glad to hear things are going well for the first round. You might want to have her take B-6 (up to 600 mg per day) to help with the "tingles".

Best of luck to her!


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