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anyone feel like this


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somedays I am filled with anxitey and my brain can't stop and then some days it feels like I can't focus or hardly get my brain to get started. anyone feel this way? I think I am going crazy. I don't know if it is the chemo or just being tired,if it is depression or what. anyone have any answers.

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1) http://lchelp.org/l_community/viewtopic ... ht=anxiety

2) http://lchelp.org/l_community/viewtopic ... highlight=

I think that one of these 2 are the ones that Connie Mentioned in Previous post. Click and you should be redirected to the appropriate links

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Robin, I know how you feel, I have being in this rollercoster for 4 1/2 years.Even when I was in complete remission I was not enjoing life having this thing in my mind. And is not healthy!!! Now with my recurrence I have my days, but I learn how to live day by day & thinking in tomorrow. Is not easy but we need to be positive. do what Connie & Randy tell you. they are experts.

Remember there is always sun after the rain.

hugs bucky

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