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Starting WBR

mary colleen

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My husband is beginning WBR in this upcoming week. He will go in on Monday for a "planning session" - - mapping the radiation fields, making a face mask, etc. ....and the 20 sessions ( 5 days/week, 4 weeks) will be scheduled from there.

One small curve ball was thrown our way a few days ago. The nurse from the oncology office called us and said that the liver enzymes from a few days ago had come back elevated. In order to make sure that this is not significant, the oncologist wants to do a liver MRI in 3 weeks. I am not expecting any kind of liver involvement, but we'll go through the drill anyway. No matter what, we are still going for a cure, even if that really means an extended state of control.

So - we're on to the next leg of this marathon. I'm praying for the best of everything for each and every person on this board. Thank you all for being here.

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Please don't worry about the liver enzymes yet. I remember that happening to many members here, including my mama. I can't remember what they said was causing it, but they were elevated and there were no metasteses. For now, I say focus on the WBR, learn everything you can and pray pray pray. I'll pray with you...

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It certainly makes good sense to evaluate things, but I can tell you that, as an oncologist, I see lots and lots and lots of patients develop transient abnormal rises in their liver tests for all sorts of reasons. Chemo, alcohol, various illness of all sorts, a bad mushroom, all sorts of things can lead to abnormal liver tests, and in many and probably most of these cases it is unrelated to cancer and not dangerous. Just worth following up on, and you'll take it from there.

Good luck.

-Dr. West

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Thank to all of you just for reading my little note. Any support, any comments, are like gold to me. We are both a little depressed, and it's my job to make sure that everything still seems manageable. I still believe that it is, and I try to keep that feeling alive here at home. I do that partly by drawing on any sustenance that I receive here, and from Dr. West's website.

Prayers, and my most ardent best wishes for all of you.

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Well, I am of the thought process that "he probably took some Ibuprofen that he forgot about", but we will of course practice due diligence and go back in for blood work in early June. In the meantime, we'll just focus on WBR as well as (soon) he College World Series.

Thanks to all of you. :)

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