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Treatment Questions


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My mother in law is scheduled to see the radiologist in a couple of weeks. She has already met with the oncologist. The plan is Cis-Platinum,VP-16 6 weeks of therapy, daily chemotherapy and radiation therapy concurrent with chemo. They want to start treatment in the middle of June but it is not looking like she will have recovered from her 4/21 surgeryy (stage 3b, lymph node involvement and in between chest wall). She is still on perceset and not comfortable. This recovery is tough on her (she is 68).

Anyway, if and when my husband can get these doctors on the phone what types of questions should we be asking. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

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I would ask whether treatment will be postponed b/c of recovery from surgery. Maybe she can start chemo but wait on the radiation to the chest area.

Also maybe ask if her recovery from surgery is taking longer than they expected or if they expected this discomfort.

Keep us posted on her progress!

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That is one thing I do know. Also they said if she is not ready they will not proceed with chemo or radiation yet. I just fear that it is just giving the cancer a chance to spread. It just sounds like such a hard treatment road to take. I know this is serious but I do not know how she is going to handle this. About 11 years ago she had breast cancer and could not even finish the treatment because she was so sick. That was only a once every week treatment. She does not want to go for a seoncd opinion which I feel is a must with such a fragile situation. Thanks to everyone for listening.

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her reaction to chemo 11 years ago is probably not a fair predictor of how she would handle the side effects now. though by no means perfect, oncs have become much better at using pre-meds to offset the typical chemo reactions.

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