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Once again, I could use some information...

I posted a while back about a good friend of ours who was diagnosed with LC. He is in Stage IV and reported tonight that it has spread to his liver. :cry: His doc is going to start him on Navelbine. I looked it up on the internet and found some info. However, I haven't noticed anyone else on the boards mentioning this chemo drug. Is anyone familiar with Navelbine? Has anyone had positive results? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Ellie

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Debs first treatment was Navy Bean (NavelBine) and Gemzar combined, and she did have great results at the time. That of course was first round and no mets though.

For clinical Info Click here to be redirected about how thios drug works in this scenario;

http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org/ ... ll/7/3/205

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Tony did 19 weekly cycles of Navelbine late last year into this year. It was his 4th line therapy after significant progression, including bone mets, while on Tarceva. It worked great as a single agent! Chased back over half of the 17-18 tumors/mets/bone mets. After the second scan at 19 weeks, he did show progression while on Navy Bean (it's a natural to call it that!) He loved this treatment and we wish it could have worked longer. Very minimal side effects of fevers/sweating and light fatigue. No nausea. Some hiccup episodes. Didn't knock him down like other chemo regimens. Some WBC issues at times and he would receive Neupogen on occasion. Also, it causes constipation. Easily handled with taking stool softeners every day. Another bonus is that it must be infused in less then 10 minutes, so quick chemo sessions.

He finally needed to get a port, because it is a vesicant, and can really damage skin tissue if there is any leaking with the infusion.

I hope your friend has as much luck with it as Tony did.



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Hi everyone.

My friend Marc has been on Navelbine for the last 5-6 months (NSCLC Stage 1V). He has had good results and has remained stable. Just got his latest test results yesterday and is still STABLE!! Yay!!!! He has been fighting this beast for 3 years and is doing fantastic (as far as I'm concerned). He has been through a gazillion different chemos and is just holding steady.

He is 35 y/o and just came back from a vacation with his wife in utah, where he went on canyon hikes everyday!!!!!! He has not needed oxygen at all yet (thank god). He has a great quality of life and I am so grateful to this board as I have found out so much info on different treatments for him that have literally saved his life. (I am the little LC research angel on his shoulder.)



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