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Hi Peeps!

Haven't been here in so long! I have missed you!

Now that I work, I don't have much time for surfing around like I used to!

A lil update for ya:

My mom is doing pretty good. Last scans showed NED!!! Praise God! She is having some colon troubles, diverticulitis. Some bone degeneration is giving her back/neck some troubles, but all in all she's good! :)

My uncle, with lc, went in to have surgery to remove the cancerous lung, they worked on him for over five hours and couldn't get it out. It's too close to the major artery. :( So heart breaking. He can't have any more radiation and hasn't decided yet if he wants more chemo or not.

My job as a home health/hospice aide is going great. I love it. I love the people, it's been a wonderful experience so far. (the only bad part is buying gas for all the traveling I do...)

Feel free to update me on YOU, cause Lord knows I don't have time to go back and read all these posts!! lol

Love to you all,


(((hugs))) for Katie!! :wink:

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I have missed you, girl! Glad to hear the positive update on Mom, sorry about your uncle. I have back and disc issues as well, but they are SMALL potatoes compared with LC, ya know? Glad you checked in. Try to check in just a LITTLE more often, okay?



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Thanks for the update. It's good to hear you sounding so happy with your job .That's just wonderful. Good news about your mom's scans. Sorry about your uncle. Hope something can be done to help him.. This disease is just so different for each person. Will keep all of you in my prayers.

God Bless,


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