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I have tried to keep busy this past few days. Trying to keep the memories from overwhelming me. I forgot to take my Blood Pressure medication night before last so I have not had the best couple of days health wise. I'm hoping that now I am caught up I will start to feel better.

I have most of my preperations for my trip done except the last minute packing and having my mail held. Today I did some shopping for my trip and a couple of secret sister gifts and others for friends in French Gulch. I hope to go to church up there tomorrow if the weather holds. I won't take a chance of getting caught in the snow. That is one reason I moved down here to Redding.

Today it has been 5 years sense that last heart wrenching day of my Johnny's life. I will never forget the things that happened that day and that night nor watching him die. I felt my heart being ripped apart. I am trying to go forward each day and make a better life for myself and hopefully give to others some of the laughter and love that Johnny gave to me and so many others.

Tomorrow morning at 4:55 am pacific time one of the brightest lights shining left this Earth for a better place. He didn't go far because his light still shines in my heart and always will.

So to my Johnny I say that just as I promised 5 years ago I will never forget you and I will love you always and forever.

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Love your Pic by the way.. so sorry about tomorrow. If it helps any try and think of the great times and more so than the sad last days and hours of the troubling events surrounding Johnny's Passing. Remember he is always looking down on you and guiding you thru your life and protecting you always!! Big hugs and Lots of prayers for you and have safe travels..

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